Archive for Come the revolution

David Wright: Thieving Bastard Politician

I’ve been patiently waiting for the Daily Telegraph to get round to my MP, David Wright.  I was confident he’d be getting a mention based on the fact that he’s usually the local rent-a-quote for the Shropshire Star but we’ve not heard a peak from him since the expenses fraud stories started.

So what has my thieving bastard of an MP been up to?  Well, he rented an apartment in London in an apartment block called Dolphin Square.  The block was bought from Westminster Council by a property developer who paid every tenant £16,787 to change their tenancy agreements.  So, bearing in mind that the taxpayer had been paying the rent for his apartment, where did this money go?  In the thieving bastard’s pocket of course.

Only a day or two ago he posted a “news” piece on his website about expenses in which he was very careful not to criticise anyone, not even “the system” which most of his colleagues tell us is at fault.  He even tried to divert attention from the expenses fraud stories, saying it’s detracting from the work they’re doing to get us out of the recession:

I am conscious that every day the newspapers are dominated by stories about MPs’ allowances. Each day this happens we lose a day when we could be talking about the work we are doing to help people with their jobs, their homes and their family. That is what I want to focus on in the coming months.

Another quality speech from David Wright, almost word for word what the grown ups have been saying.  How many times have you heard El Gordo or Harriet Harperson or countless other Liebour ministers say almost those same words?  David Wright always has been and always will be a low grade Liebour Party mouthpiece, right up until the next election when he loses his seat.

Back in January I wrote to David Wright and asked him not to support the Liebour government’s attempts to exclude MP expenses from the Freedom of Information Act following a High Court ruling last year that they had to be released.  He replied saying he supported making his expenses secret and instead breaking down the headline figures that were already available into different categories.  I sent him an email back which he didn’t bother replying to.  The last line of my email was:

I would strongly urge you to reconsider your support for this assault on democracy and accountability.  Or is your desire to hide your expenses, perhaps, because you have something to hide?

I wonder why he didn’t reply?  Could it be because he had something to hide?

And while we’re talking about his expenses, the previous “news” item on his website says:

The House of Commons Communications Allowance rules require that no news stories are added to this website during the 28-day ‘closed period’ before the European Elections and County Council Elections in England on 4th June.

So even when he’s talking about misuse of MPs expenses, he’s still fiddling the expenses system.

According to the “news” section of his website – the “news” section he’s not allowed to update because it’s against expenses rules – he’s holding a couple of surgery’s on Friday.  I might pay him a visit and see why he thinks he should have pocketed nearly 17 grand for changing a tenancy agreement for an apartment that the taxpayer has been paying for.

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Another thieving bastard politician stealing from the taxpayer

Another thieving bastard MP has been suspended from the Liebour Party for expenses fraud.

David Chaytor - Benefit ThiefDavid Chaytor, the thieving bastard MP for Bury North, has been fraudulently claiming mortgage payments on his expenses even though the mortgage was paid off by the taxpayer in 2004.  In total he has fraudulently claimed nearly £13k.

Chaytor said it was an “unforgivable error in my accounting procedures”.  Well whoop de fucking do.  For you and I. that argument doesn’t wash with the taxman, it doesn’t wash with the police, it doesn’t wash with the CPS.  Even a troughing cabinet minister on £141k doesn’t forget that the taxpayer paid their mortgage off for them 5 fucking years ago.

This wasn’t an error in accounting procedures, this thieving bastard MP has stolen £13k from the taxpayer.  Suspension from the Liebour Party isn’t good enough, he has admitted defrauding the taxpayer and now he needs to be arrested and prosecuted for fraud, obtaining a pecuniary advantage and malfeasance in public office.

If one of my local MPs is exposed for fraudulent expenses payments – and I fully expect mine to be – then I’ll be reporting them to the police.

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It’s all within the rules

Shaid Malik MP, ironically a Minister in the Ministry of Justice, has resigned from his ministerial post after claiming nearly £67k over three years in second home allowances whilst paying just £100 per week in rent on his main home thanks to an undeclared subsidy he had negotiated with the landlord.  The landlord has allegedly rented out properties that are uninhabitable and been fined for the offence.

But of course, it’s all with the rules says Shaid Malik.  Lots of other MPs have been saying their claims are all within the rules as well.  Most of them have gone on to say that the system is wrong and that the taxpayer is right to be upset, dismayed, horrified at the expenses the system has allowed them to make.  You might say that they have concluded that their decision to make the claims was …

So outrageous in its defiance of logic or accepted moral standards that no sensible person who had applied his mind to the question to be decided could have arrived at it.

The above is a quote from the ruling in Associated Provincial Picture Houses v Wednesbury Corporation which gave rise to the legal test of Wednesbury Unreasonableness.  The test asks if an administrative decision is so unreasonable that a reasonable person would never make the same decision and if that is the case, a judge is entitled to hear the case and make a judgement on that basis.

The argument that it’s all within the rules is no defence and neither is ignorance of the law.  But a Justice Minister should know that, shouldn’t they?

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HMRC to investigate thieving bastard politicians

Guido is beside himself at the moment and understandably so.  As an individual, he has done more than most – perhaps more than anyone – to expose and bring down the hypocritical, corrupt, thieving bastard politicians that make up the British government.

But as much as he deserves to enjoy himself at their expense, I have to give him a reality check.

The Commissioners of HM Revenue & Customs may have announced that they will investigate the aforementioned thieving bastard politicians for evasion of capital gains tax and taxation on benefits in kind but HMRC is an executive agency of the Treasury.  El Gordo is First Lord of the Treasury and the Chancellor is a complete bed wetter.  If the Metropolitan Police and Crown Prosecution Service haven’t managed to get a prosecution for openly fraudulent activities of thieving bastard politicians in the last year or two, what chance is there of HM Revenue & Customs being allowed to investigate and prosecute half the House of Commons?

Don’t forget, MPs tax records are all on paper for security reasons (only us proles are required to have all our personal details collected in big databases that our masters have no faith in) and embarassing paper records can easily be destroyed.

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Shut your fucking face Blears

Hazel Blears is so far off the moral compass it’s fucking unbelievable.

Having been exposed for abusing the expenses system by designating a flat she owned as her second home so she could claim £850 per month in mortgage payments on her expenses and then avoid paying capital gains tax when she sold it for a £45k profit, she has said that she understands “hatred” of the expenses system and that the system is wrong and needs changing.

Blears HangingNo.  Fucking no, you stupid fucking ginger chipmunk-featured fucking morally bereft fucking hypocrite.  You knew the system was wrong, you knew that what you were doing was wrong and you knew the taxpayer would consider your expenses claim to be outrageous BUT YOU STILL DID IT.  The system didn’t make you take advantage of a criminally slack expenses system, you made a conscious choice to abuse the system and to abuse the generosity and trust of the taxpayer.

The system doesn’t deserve to be hated, the corrupt MPs who have abused the system deserve to be hated and none more so than the ones like Blears who admit that they have acted in a morally reprehensible way but are trying to deflect attention from their corruption by blaming the system they abused.

Every MP that has abused the system should be fully investigated by the police and prosecuted for obtaining pecuniary advantage and malfeasance in office.  They have obtained money and property by deception – a pecuniary advantage – and have abused the trust of the electorate to such an extent through their deception that they can no longer carry out their duties of an MP effectively – malfeasance in office.

My preferred punishment would be to string the thieving bastards up from the lamposts outside Westminster Palace.

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Telegraph exposes thieving bastard politicians

The Telegraph has details of our thieving bastard MPs’ thieving bastard expenses and come to the conclusion that they’re thieving bastards.

  • The thieving bastard Prime Minister paid his brother over £6k for cleaning his flat.
  • The thieving bastard Justice Secretary, Jackboot Straw, claimed back the full council tax bill for his second home even though he had a 50% discount (he paid it back yesterday when he found out that it was going to be in a newspaper noticed the mistake).
  • The thieving bastard crook, Peter Mandelson, claimed thousands of pounds for improvements to his constituency home after he’d announced his resignation as an MP and then sold it for a profit of £136k.
  • The thieving bastard Communities Secretary, Hazel Blears, claimed £5k for furniture for three different homes by changing the title of her main home.
  • The thieving bastard Chancellor, Alistair Darling, changed the title of his second home four times in four years so he could claim second home expenses at all his properties.
  • The thieving bastard Transport Secretary, Geoff Hoon, spent thousands of pounds of taxpayers money improving his second home and then changed the title of his second home to another property and spent thousands of pounds of taxpayers money improving that home.
  • The thieing bastard Culture Secretary, Europe Minister and Welsh Secretary, Andy Burnham, Caroline Flint and Paul Murphy, all bought flats or the freehold for properties that they already owned and then claimed moving costs and stamp duty.

Hazel Blears said there would be no resignations because all the claims were within the rules but that they recognised the rules needed changing.  So they recognise that the rules are open to abuse, that thieving bastard MPs are robbing the taxpayer and that the rules have to be changed but they still abused the rules knowing that what they were doing was wrong?

Thieving.  Bastard.  MPs.

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Police arrest 114 suspected ecoterrorists

Police have raided a private school and arrested 114 suspected ecoterrorists who they suspect of planning to storm a coal power station.

The problem is, of course, that a judge has already given a green light to ecoterrorists who want to cause tens of thousands of pounds of criminal damage in the name of saving the planet.  If the police can prove these suspected ecoterrorists were, indeed, planning to break into and shut down a power station then what hope is there of a conviction when six months ago, a judge ruled that ecoterrorists can lawfully break into a power station, cause tens of thousands of pounds of damage and shut it down because of the harm it does to the environment.

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All animals are equal … but some animals are more equal than others

In a civillised democracy a member of an opposition political party would be commended for making public some embarrassing piece of information about the serving government.  Information relating to the employment of an illegal immigrant at the Home Office, the Security Industry Authority giving licences to illegal immigrants or a letter from the Home Secretary to the Prime Minister saying that recession might lead to an increase in crime (claims that it may have mentioned that bears shit in the woods have yet to be confirmed).

But, of course, this isn’t a civillised democracy any more.  Far from it: this is the Brownian People’s Republic of New Britain – an embryonic soviet-style police state in which the police and security services are an instrument of the ruling party and a grinning, jowly hypocrite tells us all what to do while he does the complete opposite.

The Tory MP and Immigration Spokesman, Damian Green, was arrested on Thursday night for just that though.  Civil Service bosses called in the police to investigate the source of a leak in their department, Green was fingered and anti-terrorism officers swooped.  His homes in Kent and London were searched and his office in Westminster was searched with the permission of Liebour MP and El Gordo’s sockpuppet, Speaker Micheal Martin.

It is the latter that has caused most concern because, unless there is an accusation of a criminal offence, Westminster is effectively off-limits to the police.  MPs have parliamentary privilege which gives MPs immunity from civil offences committed inside the Palace of Westminster.  The concept of parliamentary privilege is important because MPs need to be able to speak or act freely in parliament without having to worry about being sued as a result.  There is also the question of privacy – the police removed files and papers from his office in parliament which may contain confidential or sensitive correspondence from his constituents.

Of course, El Gordo says that he didn’t know anything about this in advance and nor did any of his ministers.  David Cameron did and so did Boris Johnson but the Prime Minister says he didn’t and the Home Secretary – the minister in charge of the police – says that she didn’t.  Didn’t know, my arse.  This was a parting shot from Ian Blair on his last day as head of the Met against the party he blames for his demise.  Of course the Goblin King and the facist bitch, Jacqui Smith, knew about it.
The idea that an opposition MP can be arrested by anti-terrorist police, have his home and parliamentary office searched and confidential papers taken away for examination for doing his job is truly shocking and there have been the inevitable and justified drawing of parallels with George Orwell’s 1984.  But it goes deeper than 1984, it’s just a small part of the whole rotten revolution.  Gordo and his champagne socialist co-conspirators are creating their very own animal farm with the One Eyed Wonder of Wankistan as Napolean and Alistair Darling as his Squealer.

George Orwell was a visionary and the most ironic thing is that Orwell was a Labour Party supporter for most of his life.

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Sticks and stones

It’s not very often I come out in defence of an MP and even less often a Liebour MP but I have to defend Paul Flynn MP over the attempted censorship of his blog.

Flynn makes fun of his fellow MPs and gives them nicknames on his blog.  Some of the things he says about his colleagues are quite scathing although not with the same vehemence as people like the Devil or the ginger one.  But the Commons thought police didn’t like the idea of him using his propaganda allowance to pay for that sort of thing and told him, in not so many words, to stop taking the piss.

If you look at the top political blogs in terms of visitors, influence and noteriety, the only one written by a politician is Bob Piper and that’s because he’s blunt, critical and takes the piss.  It’s what people want to read, it’s what makes political blogs interesting.  People don’t want to read commentary or extracts of policy, they want to know who’s shagging who, who scratches their arse and then sniffs their fingers, who goes on 12 hour benders in the Commons bar and all that jazz.  They want to see politicians being called names and generally sneered at.

Flynn did the right thing – something you wouldn’t generally expect from a Liebour MP – and dipped his hand in his own pocket to pay the £250 a year cost of hosting his blog which means the Commons thought police have no excuse to censor him.  Interestingly, according to his blog he did this 18 months ago but the BBC are only now reporting it.  It’s common for the dead tree press and even news behemoths like the BBC and Sky to be hours or even days behind blogs but surely 18 months is a bit too long to be excusable?

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More on the Telford Town Park facists

Telford & Wrekin Council have tried backtracking over their plans to question adults without children in Telford Town Park after receiving widespread condemnation, claiming that the Shropshire Star exaggerated the story and that there were no plans to routinely interrogate people.

This is despite a letter from the Sport & Recreation Manager at the council saying, in a letter to a resident:

From our previous correspondence with you, you will be aware that our town park Staff approach adults that are not associated with any children in the Town Park and request the reason for them being there.

That doesn’t need any exaggerating, it’s already pretty diabolical as it is.

The backtracking will no doubt turn into a climbdown pretty soon.  The Home Office have waded in to say that it’s not their idea and that the council has no right to interrogate people in a public place.  The Shropshire Star aren’t letting it go, Telford Council Watch has organised a protest for 10:30am Saturday morning and the story is in the Metro, the Daily Mail and the Torygraph.  There’s also blog coverage on the Devil’s Kitchen, Liberal England, Why England Needs a Parliament, Lib Dem Voice, Views from the Asylum, Connecting the Dots in the New World Order, Crimes and Corruptions of the New World Order and Legally Kidnapped.

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Telford tries its hand at facism

You would be forgiven for thinking that Telford & Wrekin Council had decided to revive the Imperial Fascist League given their recent pronouncements on the town park.

Telford Town Park was given to the people of the town with covenants protecting it as a park with free and open access for all in perpetuity.

Telford and Wrekin Council - FascistsA few weeks ago, a well-known local protester was evicted from the park for dressing up as a penguin and handing out climate change propaganda.  Now, this is someone I’ve locked horns with on more than one occasion and of course I don’t agree with her views on climate change (she believes in anthropogenic climate change, I have common sense) but on this we agreed – she has every right to stand in a public place and hand out leaflets as long as she doesn’t harass anyone.  The council officers who evicted her from that public place had no right to do so and several people told them so.  They even told her that you are only allowed to hand out leaflets in the park if you have had a Police CRB check and signed a declaration agreeing to all sorts of restrictions.  This is, of course, a load of bollocks – they cannot impose these conditions on anyone wanting to use a public place.
But they don’t let the little matter of acting without authority get in the way.  No, rather than apologise for harassing someone going about their lawful business they have announced that anyone seen in the park without a child will be challenged by their agents who will want to know who they are and why they are in the park without a child.

I’m a father of four and I want my children to be safe.  What I don’t want is the type of society where everyone is assumed to be guilty.  Have they never heard of the phrase “you can’t see the wood for the trees”?

The council’s pronouncement has gone down like a lead balloon locally and a protest has been organised for Saturday morning by Telford Council Watch.  I’ll be there sans enfants to show the facists at Telford & Wrekin Council what I think of their new rules and to exercise my right, as per the legally binding contract that transferred ownership of the park to the Telford Development Corporation (now susbumed into the council), to free and open access to the park.

See also:
Devil’s Kitchen
Liberal England
Why England Needs a Parliament
Lib Dem Voice

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Common Purpose admit to illegal disclosures

I have just been contacted by my Common Purpose informant who tells me that Third Sector magazine has a very interesting interview with Common Purpose.

Common Purpose have admitted in Third Sector magazine to illegally passing on information of members of the public which they have themselves obtained illegally.

Third Sector is a magazine for the voluntary and charity sector and despite Common Purpose fleecing the taxpayer out of millions of pounds for its anti-democracy training courses it somehow manages to cling on to its charity status, presumably through its network of agents that they have used to infiltrate vast swathes of the public sector.

Common Purpose has told Third Sector that they are being picked on by right-wing groups who are deliberately harassing them and then goes on to admit that:

Common Purpose now forwards its list of 130 previous FOI requests, including names of applicants, to help local authorities decide whether new requests about the charity are vexatious.

As Common Purpose is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act they can only have obtained the names of people making FOI requests about them through an illegal disclosure by the public body that has received the request.  After receiving the illegal data they have then processed it illegally and then illegally passed it on to third parties.  A fundamental concept of English law is that ignorance is no defence – by obtaining, processing and then divulging illegally obtained information, Common Purpose has committed a criminal offence and the trustees could face a custodial sentence if there is any part of the judicial system left that hasn’t yet been infiltrated by Common Purpose.

According to the article, Common Purpose are still seeking legal advice – as they have been for at least 2 years now – on their phantom victimisation.  The words “people in glass houses” spring to mind.  Along with other words such as “crooks”, “traitors” and “ha ha, you’re fucked”.

I’m sure it won’t surprise you to know that first thing tomorrow I will be asking the Information Commissioner to investigate and prosecute Common Purpose for this offence, particularly as I have a copy of the list of websites Common Purpose has forwarded on and this one is listed.

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Absolute power corrupts absolutely

Public bodies used “anti-terrorism” laws to make over half a million requests for information like phone and internet records last year.

In 2006 only 350,000 requests for information were made by public bodies, in 2007 that had risen to 519,000.

The legislation that lets public bodies such as local councils get this information and carry out surveillence is the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) which was brought in to help tackle serious and organised crime and terrorism.  Since then it has predictably degenerated into a free for all with councils using it to mount surveillence operations on people suspected of not picking up dog shit and parents they suspect of lying about being in a school catchment area.

And while all this happens we are told to trust the state with these powers.  We are told that we don’t need to worry that the British government now has the power to detain somebody for a month and a half without charge on suspicion of terrorist offences because it’ll only be used in extreme circumstances and only for real terrorist offences, not the multitude of offences under the Terrorism Act that aren’t terrorism but are covered by the internment law.

We are told not to worry about having more CCTV than any other country in the world because it’s just for our protection, to keep our streets safe.  But CCTV is now being used to prosecute motorists for parking offences without anyone having to put a ticket on the vehicle and potentially weeks after the alleged offence has occured when the driver will have forgotten what the circumstances were.

The police routinely collect fingerprints and DNA samples of everyone they interview and keep those details forever.  The law had to be changed to allow them to do this because they illegally kept details for hundreds of thousands of innocent people that they had obtained under a law that required them to remove the details if the subject was innocent.

We are all to be required to submit our biometric data – fingerprints, iris scans, DNA – to a centralised database so that the British government can use ID cards to track our movements.  Don’t worry about the fact that fingerprints and iris scans can be falsified very easily if you wanted to put in the effort or that you can buy card readers off the internet now that will read an ID card.  Don’t worry about the fact that you can buy a card reader off eBay that will read the contents of the ID chip on a passport from inside a sealed envelope.

Just how fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that all this is for our own good, for our protection?  What kind of a retard genuinely believes that every new law that infringes civil liberties won’t be abused from the day it becomes law?

We are the most illiberal, spied-on state on the planet yet we let the power-mad despots running the country pass more and more of these laws.  We can’t even go to London and protest about it any more because the police will shove cameras in our faces and arrest us for terrorist offences!

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Keep banging the drum George

You’d have thought George Ashcroft would have enough to do with his time as a borough councillor, assistant to the local Conswervative PPC and cabinet member for regeneration on Telford & Wrekin Council but apparently not.

This letter is in tonight’s Shropshire Star:


Stuart Parr says that he is becoming quite worried as to the views I hold.

I would be more concerned with the loss of innocent life at the hands of terrorists. Those at risk from terrorism warrant not a single mention in Stuart’s apparent defence of freedom.

Even if he were correct in his rather extreme interpretation of the Terrorism Act, civil liberties exist to protect and enhance innocent life and should not be viewed as absolutes in and of themselves.

Stuart Parr stood last year as a UKIP candidate. Yet the sole UKIP MP, and a former Tory, voted with the Labour Government on 42 days, as did the Conservative Anne Widdecombe and the 10 Ulster Unionist MPs.

Clearly the argument has yet to be won, as there are still those who would put the “rights” of terrorist suspects ahead of the right of the law-abiding and peaceful majority to live in peace and free from the threat of serious terrorist attack.

Cllr George Ashcroft
Conservative Member
Brookside Ward, Telford

What I find most bizarre is that George actually trusts the Liebour Party despite his claims to despire them.  He trusts No Mandate Brown – the despot who runs the country without a mandate – not to abuse the “anti-terror” legislation that allows them to criminalise vast swathes of the population and detain them for a month and a half without charge or evidence for going about their legitimate daily business.

And I really don’t understand why George feels the need to point out at every opportunity that I was a UKIP candidate in the election that he was elected in.  Perhaps he thinks it will make people think that my disagreeing with him is sour grapes or perhaps he secretly wants me to remind people that he was the local organiser for the BNP until a couple of years ago and stood – unsuccessfully – for the BNP in Telford on more than one occassion.

This line shows how George’s mind works:

Clearly the argument has yet to be won, as there are still those who would put the “rights” of terrorist suspects ahead of the right of the law-abiding and peaceful majority to live in peace and free from the threat of serious terrorist attack.

A suspect is, of course, someone who is suspected of a crime and is innocent until proven guilty.  So what George is saying is that the rights of someone who hasn’t been convicted of a crime but who the police have an as-yet unfounded suspicion of having committed a crime are less important than someone else who hasn’t been convicted of a crime who the police don’t currently suspect of having committed a crime.  What he is, in fact, saying is that your constitutional rights and liberties are only valid if a policeman doesn’t suspect you of being guilty of an offence under the Terrorism Act which may, or may not, actually be terrorism.

Yes George, the argument has yet to be won but when you see how quickly this law is abused as every other “anti-terror” law is abused perhaps you will see sense and join the peaceful, law abiding majority who think that our constitutional rights and liberties are more important than a Westminster power grab.

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How long will knife suspects be locked up for?

The Counter Terrorism Bill that will allow suspects of terrorist offences such as teaching someone to shoot a gun, protesting outside parliament or saying “nonsense” to Jack Straw to be locked up for a month and a half without charge hasn’t even passed through the House of Lords yet and already the British government is scratting around for something else to introduce draconian legislation for.

No Mandate Brown has, predictably in light of recent headlines, decided that they “will take any legislative measures that are necessary to deal with knife crime in our country”.  The Met Police have already announced that knife crime has replaced terrorism as their top priority and of course the Met Commissioner and Liebour lap dog, Sir Ian Blair, was more than happy to regurgitate his party’s propaganda on terrorism to give Liebour the request from the police for more powers that they were looking for to convince readers of the Sun that they were doing the right thing.

You mark my words, very soon we’ll hear announcements that internment is going to be extended to people suspected of knife crime as well as “terrorists”.  This is just another excuse for a power grab by the totalitarian wankers in Westminster, another excuse to erode our rights and liberties by the power mad despots that form this modern day rump parliament and it won’t stop until England is renamed Airstrip One.  And I bet you a pound that the new legislation, when it comes, will be just as badly written as the “anti-terror” legislation and will criminalise anyone legitimately carrying a knife just as the Terrorism Act makes a terrorist of anyone legitimately teaching someone to use a gun.

The most laughable thing about all this sudden interest in knife crime statistics is that knife crime has only recently been reported on seperately from other weapon-related crimes so nobody actually knows what the knife crime trend is!

Anyone know where I can lay my hands on five hundred breeze blocks and a couple of tons of cement?  I really need to get started on that bunker …

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Harman wants companies to discriminate

Straight from the horses mouth, Harriet Harman wants companies to practice discrimination when considering similar applications for jobs:

They might think we don’t want an all male team.

We’ve got a new post coming up, we’ve got equally qualified men and women going for it, we are going to pick the woman because we want to have a more balanced top team.

Under a new law that she wants to bring in, companies will be banned from any form of age discrimination but will be allowed and encouraged to take into account sex and colour when considering two people with similar qualifications for a job to ensure that they have a “balanced” workforce.

Once again, the young white Englishman is going to be discriminated against to meet arbitrary quotas.  Already the police, fire service, local authorities and British government departments run racist recruitment campaigns that ban white English men from applying but now they are going to extend that same racial and sexual discrimination to the private sector.

Is it any wonder so many people are joining the fucking BNP?  It’s the same hand-wrinnging liberals that complain about the BNP that are causing the problem in the first place.

We have got to get rid of this illiberal, racist fucking scum.

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West Mercia Police taking an interest in Common Purpose?

I know it must seem like I’m a stat-obsessed glory hunter but I’m not, really!

It’s interesting to know who is visiting and how they get here.  Seeing a visit from Common Purpose was interesting, of course, and there are a lot of universities and colleges that appear on the list.  Don’t think these lot have visited before though:

Why would the police be searching for Common Purpose in Google?  Are they investigating Common Purpose’s infiltration into all aspect of the establishment and their indoctrination of our leaders with their “lead beyond your authority” doctrine?  Do they suspect Common Purpose of conducting a clandestine coup d’état?

Sadly, I very much doubt that this is the case because Common Purpose has its agents in the police as well, just waiting for the word to put in place their “new world order” where they – the unelected “leaders” – control our lives.  It’s all there on Common Purpose’s website for anyone to read, they’re quite open about their ambitions to take over the running of our country.

More than likely, this is someone who wants to go on a Common Purpose training course so they can be one of the ruling elite when the revolution comes or a Common Purpose agent building up intelligence on those that expose them ready for the aforementioned revolution.

Still, we live in hope.

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(Hollow) Victory for Democracy

The Irish have rejected the EU not-a-constitution by 53.4% to 46.6%.

merkel.pngMost constituencies rejected the not-a-constitution but there were some very close calls – one constituency had a majority “No” vote of only 132.

This will be a blow to Federal Europe because now they have to throw sufficient cash and thinly veiled threats at the Irish so they’ll vote “Yes” in the next referendum and because they’re going to have to try and figure out a way of justifying ignoring the “No” votes of three of the most pro-EU states without coming across as illiberal, undemocratic facists.

Überpropagandameister Merkel (pictured right) will be working overtime to try and spin something positive out of the third rejection of the EU Constitution whilst the French Secretary of State for European Affairs simply stated that the Lisbon Treaty will “overcome” a No vote from Ireland.

Emperor Barrosso says that member states should continue to ratify the EU not-a-constitution regardless of the fact that Ireland’s “No” vote is supposed to mean that it’s dead in the water whilst other eurofederalists are running round like headless chickens trying to think of ways they can implement it without Ireland’s consent or make it more palatable to the Irish for another referendum.

The old EU constitution has been rejected twice and the new EU constitution has been rejected once. The French and Dutch didn’t reject the way in which the contents of the EU constitution would be brought in, they rejected its contents. The Irish, too, have rejected the contents of the EU constitution in its new “not a constitution because it’s got a different name and delivers its payload different way” guise. The only real difference between the EU Constitution and the Lisbon Treaty is the way in which it delivers its payload – the EU Constitution would have replaced existing treaties with one new one and the Lisbon Treaty does exactly the same things the EU Constitution would have done but by amending existing treaties instead of replacing them. The payload is the same, the method of delivery is different.

It is wrong – very wrong – for Federal Europe to continue to press for the EU not-a-constitution to be ratified and it is equally wrong for the British government to claim that a referendum is no longer needed here because they’ve changed the way the EU constitution implements the changes contained within it.

The Irish Times has had excellent coverage of the proceedings all day, well worth a read.

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European Constitution Judicial Review

Stuart Wheeler’s judicial review of the British government’s refusal to give us the referendum on the EU not-a-constitution that it promised started today.

Wheeler’s QC provided evidence that the EU Constitution and the Lisbon Treaty are basically the same thing in all but name, including evidence from Valery Giscard d’Estaing, the eurofederalist who first came up with the EU Constitution.

No Mandate Brown’s QC claims that Wheeler is only bringing the case for the “inappropriate purpose” of getting a judgment critical of the British government.

The House of Lords, which has still been debating the EU not-a-constitution despite it being sub judice, is due to vote on giving away our sovereignty on Wednesday, the same day the Commons will vote on whether to institute the illegal and unconstitutional internment of “terrorist” suspects for a month and a half.  That’ll be convenient for our new masters on the continent because Common Law is incompatible with the Napoleonic Code used in the rest of Federal Europe.

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Clegg: neither liberal, nor a democrat

Last year 1.8m people managed to add their names to a petition calling for road pricing plans to abandoned.  The people who run the website said that if the website had managed to cope with the load, it would have had over 2m signatures.

There are 60m living in the UK, about 45m are of voting age.  Two million of those were so opposed to the British government’s plans to introduce road pricing that they went looking for the petition and signed it.

You’d think that with that much opposition to road pricing, none of the opposition parties (except the Greens of course) would touch it with a barge pole, right?  Wrong.  Cue Calamity Clegg with his latest illiberal, undemocratic pronouncement: if the Illiberal Dumbocrats were to get into power they would introduce road pricing at an average of 8p/km with a maximum of 12p/km and charge extra for trunk roads and motorways.

Ok, let’s convert kilometres into something that normal people understand – 1km is 0.621371192237 miles so that’s going to be an average of 5p/mile or 7.5p/mile at the maximum rate.  The average commute to work in England and Wales is 13.39km (yes, census information is metricated as well now) which is 8.32 miles.  That means the average trip to work is going to cost 41.6p/day.  There are 8 public holidays a year in England and workers get an average of about 20 days annual leave so that leaves 241 working days in a year after weekends have been taken into account.  Multiply that by 41.6p gives you an average annual bill of £100.14p just to travel to work and back, assuming you don’t use a trunk road or a motorway.

Of course, this doesn’t take into account the cost of buying and having fitted a Galileo sat-nav system so Federal Europe and the British government can track your movements and send you a bill which the Department of Transport estimated to be about £600 per vehicle.  It also doesn’t take into account the cost to the taxpayer of setting up or running the road pricing scheme which the Department of Transport estimates at £62bn to set up and £8.6bn to run.

There are over 32m vehicles in the UK so that’s just shy of £2k per vehicle in setup costs, plus £600 per vehicle for the spy box plus £100 average annual commute plus £270 per vehicle annual operating costs means each vehicle would cost around £2,970 per year extra just to do an average commute without using a motorway or trunk road and without using your car to go to the shops, to go on holiday, to visit relatives, etc.

Two million people objected strongly enough to road pricing to sign a petition against it yet here we have the leader of a party that laughingly calls itself “Liberal Democrat” making it a key party policy along with regionalisation that we don’t want, European Federalisation that we don’t want, taxing flights even more heavily that we don’t want, replacing our constitution with a wishy washy lefty liberal constitution which we don’t want, more “green” taxes which we don’t want and handing over more of our money for international aid and development which we don’t want.

Nick Clegg is neither liberal, nor a democrat.  Thank god they stand about as much chance as a ghost’s fart in a force ten gale at the next election.

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