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England - Anti-English Hit List

The anti-English Hit List is a list of companies and organisations that pursue an anti-English agenda. If you would like to suggest a company or organisation (not individual people) for inclusion in the list, let me know.

Company/Organisation Website Email Campaigns Why?
Tour of Britain www.tourofbritain.co.uk Googlebomb: Tour of Britain The Tour has a Scottish team, Welsh team, Irish team and British team. English riders have to compete in Team GB.
WWF www.wwf-uk.org Contact Form General email/phone contact WWF Scotland, WWF Wales, WWF Northern Ireland, WWF UK but all England gets is an "English Regions" page on the UK site.
ENCAMS www.encams.org Contact Form Cross of St George Keep Scotland Beautiful, Keep Wales Tidy, Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, Keep Britain Tidy. Missing anyone?
Labour www.labour.org.uk Googlebombs: Scottish Raj Anglophobes commited to the complete destruction of English culture and the English nation.
Commission for Racial Equality www.cre.gov.uk Contact Form General email/phone contact Won't investigate racism or discrimination against England or English people but will do so for Welsh and Scots.
Tesco www.tesco.co.uk Contact Form Email English food labelled British, Scottish food labelled Scottish
Sport England www.sportengland.org Cross of St George Sport England don't want to sponsor an English cycling team - they sponsor and support British sport.