Archive for December 2006

Bloggers should Self-Censorship

Alistair Campbell, the cretinous tosspot who used to head up Labour’s Propaganda Department, suggests that bloggers should sign up to a voluntary code of practice and practice self-censorship.

I can’t speak for other bloggers but I already parctice self-censorship.  I don’t post anything libelous and I moderate my language.  What more should I do?  Stop criticising corrupt, bigotted politicians?  Stop slagging off career politicians and dodgy politics?  Stop calling politicians and other public figures names?

How does “bollocks” sound?  The internet is the only place left where you still have freedom of speech and where you can voice your opinion without oppresive censorship.  It’s my blog and I’ll say what I damn well want.  If Alistair Campbell and others of his ilk don’t like it, I suggest they write their own blogs and defend themselves and their parties.

I refuse to give up my right to freedom of speech.