MI5 tracking 1,600 terrorists

! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

MI5 today announced that it is tracking 1,600 muslim terrorists and 30 terrorist cells.

Meanwhile, muslim groups condemn Nick Griffin being cleared of race hate charges for describing Islam as a wicked faith.

Shouldn’t they be condemning the 1,600 muslim terrorists in this country who want to blow us up because we don’t follow their medievil religion?


  1. Sean Lynch (80 comments) says:

    They are very reminiscent of the left the way they argue, they say “lets have an honest open debate” then when anyone criticises or argues to the contrary the debate is closed down instantly. That person being placed on ‘ignore’ and labelled “racist”.
    They do this automatically, every time. Try it and see, I know I have…
    You cant have a debate with fundamentally unreasonable people.
    It is a non starter and a complete waste of energy.

  2. Shahid (7 comments) says:

    Dear Wonko,

    You might be surprised to hear that the mainstream, even the sometimes erm,, odd, Muslim Council of Britain condemn terrorism.

    MI5 might well be tracking 1600 suspects. None of them are terrorists yet though, are they? Recall the IRA being infiltrated and even egged on by MI5 – and in some cases, cells being led by MI5 agents. Powerful people seek to divide and conquer and you are calling the newest monotheistic religion on the block medieval. That’s not a statement of fact, and it is prejudiced. Yes, there are some Muslims who are living in the dark ages, but so are some Christians, Jews, pagans etc.

    As for Nick Griffin, I don’t like the guy, but he should be able to say what he likes (to a point, like everybody else…) This used to be a free country. Who the hell is Gordon Brown to step in and say the law is wrong? Based on what? His opinion? Isn’t that dictatorship?

  3. Scaffold (146 comments) says:

    Even your handle is “Shahid” – what attitute towards yourself do you expect? Islam is evil and must be abolished!

  4. Shahid (7 comments) says:

    Dear Scaffold, you reveal only your own ignorance I’m afraid.

    Shahid is actually a real name, and my real name actually, not a handle behind which you assume I hide – unkike you…

    You have learned just enough to be dangerous and ignorant, not enough to have any real knowledge and thus realise that your views are not just false, but have been raised before and rebutted. This ignorant cycle rears its ugly head often. It’s quite sad and so is your hatred.

    Here’s a little lesson for you. Arabic is a very rich language. There are many ways of transliterating a word into English, which is why people like you are often so confused. “Shahid” doesn’t mean martyr. Why would anyone have “martyr” as a name? It means “Witness”. It is pronounced as it is written. You are probably thinking of the term “Shaheed” – which is again, pronounced differently, comes from the same root and confusingly, doesn’t alwasy mean martyr. It is a concept.

    If you are a man, you will acknowledge that this double mistake you have made might not be your only one. I apologise when I mess up, would you like to show me that you are big enough to do the same?

    I am here, on Wonko’s blog, integrating. Where are your comments on my blog – not paki-bashing, or Islamophobic garbage, but reason?

    You are welcome there. It is only through dialogue that your ignorance and fear and thus hatred will recede, if you truly commit to it. Do you have the guts?

  5. wonkotsane (1133 comments) says:

    Shahid, you probably wouldn’t be able to pronounce Scaffold’s real name – he’s not from round these parts.

    Yes, point accepted re them only being suspects.

    Max, be nice. 😉

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