Hippies launch animal rights party

! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

A group of hippies, vegans and animal rights terrorists have launched a new political party called “Animals Count”.  The party is a sister organisation to a Dutch political party of the same ilk.

The party is purely for those who believe that animal rights are more important than human rights and, if it hasn’t already been infiltrated by the animal rights facists already, it soon will be.

The party manifesto bangs on about animal rights, a complete ban on hunting, “reforms” to farming methods (state interference in farming has been so successful throught history), banning testing on animals and the establishment of a pet NHS.

Meanwhile, those of us who don’t exist on a diet or organic rice and lentils and therefore still have the strength to use a keyboard might like to visit the Countryside Alliance and Pro-Test who, between them, will tell you all about hunting, farming and animal testing from the perspective of people who actually do it for a living and consequently have more of an idea what they’re talking about than a bunch of dreadlocked hippies.

You might also like to take a look at VARE – Victims of Animal Rights Extremism – or just a simple google search for “animal rights extremists” to find out what the cuddly animal rights terrorists are getting up to.  Things such as exhuming and hiding the body of a guinea pig farm owners mother, sending letter bombs to companies, blowing up the cars of employees of research companies, forcing banks to withdraw banking facilities and investments for research companies and general assault, theft and criminal damage.

I’ll have to stop there – it’s time to order some dead burnt animal from the sandwich shop.


  1. Dark Heretic (15 comments) says:

    Just when I’d thought things couldn’t sink any lower they do.

    Questions to be asked of this hippy group:
    Do you wear Leather?
    Do you eat Jelly?
    Do you drink milk or eat cheese?
    Do you eat eggs?
    Do you use glue?
    Do you use peat?
    Do you condone the violent and terrorist acts of anti’s?
    What are your views on animals eating other animals?
    Do you support the RSPCA?

    All of the above should be answered no if they are a true animal friend. The only one that gets them squirming is the animal eating animals one. They can’t answer it especially if you offer to watch them convert a Lion to vegetarianism.

    Not one animal anti or libber I have ever met would offer to take the place of animal in order to save it from being tested on. They’re not worth the time nor effort in my book.

    If you’re interested in animal welfare, the countryside and the environment then check out the countryside alliance and BASC. They tell you the straight up facts and not the anti horror stories espoused by hippies

  2. Russ G (1 comments) says:

    Do you wear Leather? NO
    Do you eat Jelly? NO
    Do you drink milk or eat cheese? NO
    Do you eat eggs? NO
    Do you use glue? Only animal friendly.
    Do you use peat? NO
    Do you condone the violent and terrorist acts of anti’s? NO
    What are your views on animals eating other animals? Fine
    Do you support the RSPCA? 50/50

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