BBC research has shown that the cost of translating official documents into the myriad native languages of immigrants to the taxpayer is in the region of £100m per year although they believe the real figure is much higher.
The British government is to investigate whether telling immigrants not to bother learning English stops them from integrating into society.
Shouldn’t take too long to investigate … about 2 seconds I reckon. Why should we spend £100m on translating documents and providing interpreters to people who shouldn’t even be? It’s impossible to be a useful and productive member of society if you don’t speak English. How do they hold down a job if they only speak a foreign language? One woman the BBC interviewed had lived here for 22 years and didn’t speak a word of English – she said that the obsession with translating everything doesn’t help. So did the Polish immigrant who was interviewed using an interpreter to claim Jobseekers Allowance – she admitted that if she couldn’t get everything translated into Polish she’d have had to learn English but as it happens she hasn’t bothered learning English because the public sector bends over backwards to accomodate her inability to speak our language.
Why does it always take the bbc and the cretins in power to see the bleedin’ obvious?