English Democrats win compensation for racism

! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

The Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds has settled a racial discrimination claim by the English Democrats Party (EDP) out of court.

The EDP sued the museum for £5,000 for racial discrimination after they cancelled a booking and declined to offer an alternative date because they were concerned about their reputation if they held an English event at their premises.

Full details are on the EDP website.


  1. Ross (7 comments) says:

    Another sabre rattling story. Here are my thoughts on why the EDP have done this, and why they and their supporters are agitated against other silly issues.

    As the Union continues to obtain automnomy and better representation, the EDP and a small number of English people are beginning to feel naked. What small identity they have is dripping away. ‘englishness’ (and formerly Britishness) is a concept built on being the dominant force within a group of countries. That is the only identity Britain had, and that’s the only identity England has. Now that the Scots and the Welsh have turned their backs, the English no longer have a national purpose. They are in limbo. They don’t know what to do. That’s what makes suing a museum seem like a good idea.

  2. Chris Abbott (8 comments) says:

    Ross – what an intelligent chappie you are!

    Keep posting the poohs, matey boots. Suits you.

  3. Scaffold (146 comments) says:

    Ross, you are barinwashed, politically corresct, teen-age and Scotch. Sod off.

  4. revinkevin (176 comments) says:

    Well done to the EDP in getting those anti-English racist liars to pay out.

    To Ross England always have had a national purpose and unlike the scots or Welsh we do not live on handouts.

  5. Masher (4 comments) says:

    Great one Ross. I hope you are out and about in Scotland, doing your best to help the SNP gain a massive majority in the local and the next general elections. We wish to be well and truly rid of the whinging, sponging lot of you. Roll on Scottish independence.

  6. Calum (183 comments) says:

    But the English democrats are a bit racist, so duh.

  7. wonkotsane (1133 comments) says:

    And you can, of course, back up that slander with some facts Calum?

  8. Rob the hood - anti Norman (1 comments) says:

    I know this is from May; I just had to reply.

    Oh look another apology.

    PostaPoo.com Campaign Withdrawal and Apology
    03 April 2007

    We at Postapoo.com would like to offer our sincere apologies for the offence that was caused as a result of the recent “Send your favourite Englishman a Poo” campaign.

    At no stage was this campaign racially motivated – we are sorry that a number of English people saw it as such.

    Again, sincere apologies to those people that felt PostaPoo.com intended to incite racial hatred – this was certainly not the case, and we apologise for the hurt caused.
    PostaPoo.com Management

    As for Ross, well what can I say?

    Ross: “…the Union blah blah blah…English people are beginning to feel naked.”
    The only time i’ve been naked lately was when your mum gave me hampton wick a good suck Ross. Typical sweatie, she wanted ten bob for doing it.

    Ross: “What small identity they have is dripping away. ‘englishness’ (and formerly Britishness) is a concept built on being the dominant force within a group of countries. That is the only identity Britain had, and that’s the only identity England has.”

    I can assure you i’m a big Engerlander Ross. Hence, I definitely do not have a small identity. No, nothing is dripping away Ross. Rather, Englishness is going from strength to strength. Oh yeah, my hampton was dripping…all over yer ma’s boat! Britishness came about because of various things including the Darien project. That’s where…I cant be bothered to explain it. Suffice to say, it was when scotland tried to copy England…and failed! Then wanted us to pay for it’s ego mistakes. The same thing is happening now in 2007. Aint that funny Ross. You’re the world’s greatest (according to you lot) and yet you STILL have to get the English to bail you out! Wrong again Ross. England has a unique identity all of it’s own. Britishness has nothing to do with Englishness. I can tell you that many, many scots had plenty to do with the British empire Ross. Scotland has just as many links to britishness as England you plum!

    Ross:”Now that the Scots and the Welsh have turned their backs, the English no longer have a national purpose. They are in limbo. They don’t know what to do. That’s what makes suing a museum seem like a good idea.”

    Oh my gawd. You’re a real tool aint yer Ross? Talk about arrogance. You assume that the vast majority of English people care what scots/welsh do then right? I think you’re completely wrong in assuming that Ross. We don’t! One of my great grandfathers was scottish and one of my grandfathers was scots irish; I could not feel any further away from them in terms of culture if I tried. You think that our national purpose is worrying about what the scots/welsh do then? Ha! ha! ha! Talk about delusions of grandeur.
    The reason the EDP stood up to be counted is because they do not have to take anti-English views lying down. The fact that YOU obviously think the opposite betrays your hatred for English people. The fact that you talk such shite proves that youre thick as two short planks!

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