How much did this piece of crap cost us?

! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

The logo for the 2012 London Olympics has been unveiled and … what a pile of shite.

The yellow and purple blob is supposed to be a stylised 2012 but it’s a bit like one of those optical illusions where the vase becomes two old women when you stare at it.  The best suggestion I’ve seen so far is that it looks like Lisa Simpson giving head …

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It cost the taxpayer £400k.  Which is a lot for this load of crap but like pissing in the North Sea when you put it in the context of the estimated £8bn bill for staging the games.


  1. Scaffold (146 comments) says:

    Yeah, Stu, it is awful! Never seen anything worse than that through all 28 years of my miserable life. lol

  2. kirk (2 comments) says:

    “When people see the new brand, we want them to be inspired to make a positive change in their life” says Tony.

    I really despair. Idiots like that make moronic statements about wasting money that isn’t theirs on half-baked cretinous, ludicrous, entirely inconsequential ideas.

    In a country where children’s play areas are being destroyed and winning is actively discouraged in school sports I find this whole saga sickening, more so than the proposed British day.

    Wake up, get a grip and stop being so bloody stupid you prats.

  3. Sean Lynch (80 comments) says:

    We are, beyond doubt the laughing stock of the entire world. We are being run by imbeciles, people who haven’t got the brains they were born with. They just deny their own identity, history and heritage.
    All the sacrifices made by our ancestors have been cast aside by the feckless tosspots that infest the corridors of power.
    Is this what we have come to? Sadly yes.

  4. kirk (2 comments) says:

    This has been irritating me all day, I refuse to believe that it cost 400k. There is no way that it cost that much. Whoever pocketed this money must be laughing at how easy it was.

    I could design a better logo given 5 minutes and the incentive to hand the games over to some other country.

  5. Fay (1 comments) says:

    It looked more like a baby chimp throwin shapes on the dancefloor to me.

    Ugh, and now I have an image of someone with London tattoed on his rod forcing a jaundiced American child to bob on it.

  6. Concretecow (1 comments) says:

    The logo fails on a really basic level. It’s art and not design.

    *Design* is about getting a message across quickly and succinctly.

    *Art* is all about the interpretation…and boy are there interpretations…

  7. Amy (2 comments) says:

    Haha we totally agree

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