Detention without charge

! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

The British government has decided that it now wants to hold “terrorist suspects” for 58 days without charge.

A few months back Liebour tried to change the amount of time someone could be held without charge from 2 weeks to 3 months.  Thankfully this was blocked but a compromise was reached allowing suspects to be held for a month without charge.  Now the One Eyed Wonder of Wankistan wants it increased to 2 months.

As I’ve pointed out in the past, the “anti-terror” laws in this country are wide open to interpretation and have been abused many times since their inception.  A woman was arrested outside Downing Street for reading out the names of dead soldiers and a man was arrested for carrying a blank placard within 1km of Parliament – both under anti-terrorism laws.  Walter Wolfgang, the elderly Liebour supporter who was manhandled out of the Liebour Party conference last year for saying “nonsense” when Jack Straw was talking bollocks, was banned from returning to the conference under anti-terrorism laws.  At the same conference every delegate was stopped and searched before entering and a delegate taking pictures of the stop and search had his camera taken from him and the images wiped – again, under anti-terrorism laws.

Anti-terrorism laws seem to have been used for everything except actually arresting terrorists.  Lord West, the unelected Liebour Minister for Security, said that he was not convinced that the limit needed to be extended until Gordo the Goblin King hauled him into his office and told him that he had to change his mind.  Like the good little mindless, spineless, Liebour drone that he is, he is now in favour of the proposals … again.

There is one concession in the proposals – the period of detention without charge (which is unconstitutional, incidently) would only be changed from 28 days to 58 days if a state of emergency was declared.  A bit like the state of emergency that General Musharraf declared in Pakistan when he thought he might not be president for much longer perhaps?  How reassuring.


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One comment

  1. M Anderson (47 comments) says:

    A woman was arrested outside Downing Street for reading out the names of dead soldiers and a man was arrested for carrying a blank placard within 1km of Parliament – both under anti-terrorism laws.

    Anti-Terrorism laws? AHA! HA! HA! HA! More like, we’re shit scared gutless little wanker politician protection laws.

    Further to this, they allowed thousands of muslims to parade right near parliament a while back! Inform me if I am incorrect. I think it’s us they’re shit scared of. The last thing the dirtbag politicians want is for some mad Englishmen to wander into westminster carrying a packet…of powder like the pro-man group (i cant remember the name of the group) did a while back! Actually, I think they were told or paid, take you pick, to do that so the plod could use it as an excuse to make the security even tighter!

    [Detention length] would only be changed from 28 days to 58 days if a state of emergency was declared. A bit like the state of emergency that General Musharraf declared in Pakistan when he thought he might not be president for much longer perhaps?

    I could see that cunt Brown doing exactly what Musharraf did. He wouldn’t even lose a wink of sleep over it mate. A wink? A one eyed fuckin’ wink of course. I think Brown is pure shite. Stalin is his hero ffs! I keep getting this vision in my head. It’s of cyclops decked out in a leather thong. He has a whip in his right hand!

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