All aboard the bandwagon

! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

A group of scientists in America have predicted that Arctic summers will be ice-free in 5-6 years time.

Eco-terrorists have been bleating about the receding ice caps and declining permafrost for a while now with their doom and gloom predictions about mass flooding all over the world.  The BBC provides a helpful graphic to illustrate the receding ice caps (right) but – like the eco-terrorists – fails to explain that the ice caps have historically been much smaller and increase and decrease regularly.  As I’ve said many times before, Greenland wasn’t named Greenland because it was covered in ice.

Professor Wieslaw Maslowski doesn’t stop at his 5-6 year perdiction though.  He claims that it may be a conservative estimate because it doesn’t take into account 2006 or 2007 data so we could all be snorkling round Sainsbury’s within a couple of years.

So what will happen when, in 5-6 years, the polar ice caps haven’t melted and London doesn’t look like a set from Waterworld?  Will Maslowski and his team of doom-mongering “experts” be told to fuck off and stop wasting our time?  Will the self-declared climate change experts at Greenpeace disappear from our screens forever?  Will the left wing, bearded, sandal wearing, smelly tree-huggers be forced to eat their own discredited propaganda printed on recycled, shit-stained toilet paper until they admit that they’ve been talking complete bollocks?

Of course not.  The American Navy will continue to pay Maslowski and his fuckwit mates to come out with this sensationalist shit and the BBC will continue to bring in grubby little dreadlocked eco-terrorists to talk about global warming for the price of a bowl of lentil soup in the canteen because they can’t be arsed to argue.  Why report the facts and expose the global warming scam for what it is when you can rake in government cash for spouting their left-wing, car-hating, anti-capitalist propaganda?  The BBC is little more than New Liebour’s lazy sockpuppet.

If the North Pole is ice free by 2013 I’ll eat my own faeces.  In fact no, worse than that – I’ll vote Liebour and eat my own faeces whilst a rabid badger hangs from my tabasco-covered testicles by its teeth.

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  1. axel (1214 comments) says:

    it strikes me as bollocks too.

    They are always trying to wind us up about something!

    Acid Rain, Nuclear winter, villa winning the league and cup, armageddon.

    Next year it will be something different.

    Sea level rising but if you consider how much of New Orleans is below sea level, you will cease to worry, it was only the poor scabby areas that were badly flooded. Those areas with high taxes and sound Levees did alright.

    How will Shropshire be?

    Scotland will mostly be alright

  2. lfb_uk (15 comments) says:

    Sound interesting, if you lose, you going to sell tickets pmsl….

  3. The Secret Person (15 comments) says:

    I think you are right (although the sight of a grown man doing all those things, except voting Labour, will get me burning the fossil fuels!) about global warming in general. Although I have heard the naming of Greenland was a Viking marketing strategy to get settlers. “Well, Leif, noones moving to our villages in Iceland maybe we should think more carefully about naming the next one”. Or maybe it was occupied by the world’s first commune of environmental scaremongers and that’s why noone is left there?

  4. Dark Heretic (15 comments) says:

    I’m fed up of eco-terrorists and all they stand for. All that happens is governments see it as a good way of inflicting more taxes which most of the braind dead sheep are happy to pay and to quote them ‘coz it’s savin’ the planet or sumfink like that init?’

    Like the Greenland argument I’ll have to use that next time some ecohippy starts up

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