Exclusive: leaked design for new British flag

! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

I can exclusively reveal the first draft of a new flag for the People’s Republic of New Britain – designed, according to my source at Downing Street, by Comrade Brown himself:

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  1. Scaffold (146 comments) says:

    Boxer will work harder. Comrade Brown is always right!

  2. Shades (1 comments) says:

    I wonder if the number of stars will get increased a bit like the Merkin flag?

    This is suitably symbolic- England and Wales trapped within Europe’s ever tightening circle and dominated by Scots.

  3. Paul (13 comments) says:

    No, you’re having a real laugh there! I hope the designs are sent in the post so it’s never seen again.

  4. John Franklyn (59 comments) says:

    If brown was to design a flag, I bet he’d try and have his picture on it.

  5. G Brown (1 comments) says:

    OMG I can’t believe what a wanker you are……

  6. English Chris (1 comments) says:

    Hahahahahahahahahaha… I really hope that this is supposed to be funny, because it really is ridiculous. Downing Street would pay MILLIONS for a draft of something as important as a new national flag. Although this is one of many nice attempts at designing a new flag, it obviously did not come from Downing Street. If you’re gonna lie, as least make it believable.

    I’m all for Wales being represented in the Flag, but I would refuse to fly anything like this. For one, it has the EU flag incorporated into it. Secondly, why is the English flag some tiny invisible bit?

  7. wonkotsane (1133 comments) says:

    Chris, yes it’s a joke and a pretty obvious one. England has a tiny flag in the background to represent our status – unimportant and behind our celtic masters.

  8. john (37 comments) says:

    *Sigh*, yes, reject the EU. Things were so great for the UK before the EU came about: A second-rate, has-been power and spear carrier for the Americans, who continue to dominate us politically, ideologically, culturally, economically and militarily.

    Let’s elect more fools from the BNP and UKIP, who have no viable answers, to the European parliament, just to spite the main powers and show them our petulance, while the rest of Europe laughs at us…

    What are you afraid of? The Europeans buying all our businesses? Strong-arming our politicians to their military adventures under threat of economic reprisals? Flooding our shops with ‘their’ cultural paraphernalia, music and movies? The next step would be EU military bases with foreign commanders on our soil and our children acting and dressing like them next! Well, the EU would have to unseat the US for that position first for the fantasy to become anywhere close to being real.

    Our future is Europe, we can sit on the sidelines as the North Korea of Europe, fermenting domestic tensions by voting for parties with corrupt ideologies while clutching to memories of past glories, pretending we’re not America’s airstrip (I hope the reference is not lost on you) entering wars and economic pacts at their request (what greater surrender of our sovereignty can there be than that?). Or we can take our place at the helm of the European project, ensuring our sovereignty with mutual respect to our fellow Europeans that are more like-minded than you think.

    I hear your calls of anger that our personal liberties have been taken since 2001 under the pretext of protection from terrorism. I stand with you on that, and all our political parties must be held to account for that, if not for their support then their inaction. But the European high court has done more to safeguard our freedoms than any local party through its rulings brought about by Britons who failed to find justice at home. This fills me with anger at our government, gives me hope in the EU, but cautions us all that we must participate in the European project to ensure it remains an environment that altruism and freedom are held sacred. This will not be the case with the BNP and UKIP as our representative to the EU that is not going to go away.

    We owe it to the world, as the vanguard of political thought, as Europeans, to make the EU a success. Once it has shown its worth, it’s blueprint may prove to be be a viable alternative to other regions, such as divided and warring Africa, or authoritarian China, surpassing nationalism and offering hope of a lasting peace to millions.

    Britain is a land of contrasts, from the hooligan to the toff, from the proud miner to the odious banker, from the religious fundamentalist to the analytical Atheist. From this basis, the world expects us, if not to be better, then to be thoughful and open minded and not hide in our cave muttering hostile nonsense about the rest of the world like Osama Bin Laden.

    We are Britain and we are better than this…

    BTW, I actually like the flag, a bit rough, especially with the Welsh Dragon (which I like), but do-able, though I think we’ll stick with the Union Jack. Too bad its a spoof… 🙂

  9. Ryan (4 comments) says:

    should make it more scottish, shouldnt include or wales or any of the eu, maybe a small english part and a small irish part, but nothing more because SOME of england, MOST of scotland & a large part of ireland are what keeps britain alive.. (no offence to wales or eu but lets be honest – what the hell have they done latley?. irish, english and scottish is richer and in many cases much much more interesting than most other countries history.)

    i dont mean to offend by the way im just expressing my oppinion, which in scotland (where i am from) that has’nt been outlawed – yet)

  10. George (16 comments) says:

    They should make the English flag bigger in this picture, because England owns more land than Scotland, Wales And Ireland.

  11. who cares (1 comments) says:

    then leave! stay on your pathetic little island and keep your worthless pound!

  12. Ben (1 comments) says:

    whoaa, you have cool wordpress theme, is it a custom one?

  13. will (1 comments) says:

    Erm our pathetic little island ruled half the world for 200 years and the pound is still worth more than the euro you complete idiot if all europeans have your attitude towards then no wonder the british dont like the E.U as after all the E.U is a corrupt worthless and pointless gravey train that no one listens too i completely agree with a United Europe but not like this where two nations France and Germany make all the desions for everyone else. im not a patriotic person at all i hate the British Empire the idea of the monachy, but not the queen personaly but your completely stupid argument about our “pathetic little island” is totaly ungrounded as britain has been one of the most influential nations on the plannet idustrialisation, globalisation, the internet, the jet engine which was not invented by the germans because they used Sir Frank Whittle design all these things have created the modern world that you probably see around you so you should maybe look at your history book if you have one i doubt it because some one with your inteligence pertentialy wouldnt be able to form any idea or understanding of what you have just read if all you can come up with to defend the E.U from verbal attacks is to call Britain a pathetic little island and call one of the worlds strongest currencies worthless you could of at least of said that we rely on Europe for trade, your actualy a disgrace to people who view Britains future is Europe.

  14. bill (1 comments) says:

    i dont like it it is aload of rubish if we have this one i will have the old one on my house forever

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