Presumed Consent for Organ Donations

! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

No Mandate Brown has made some noises about presumed consent for organ donations and suddenly he’s the saviour of people on organ waiting lists everywhere.

Let’s just get this straight.  He hasn’t even proposed that the system of organ donations should be changed, he’s just said that he thinks it’s a good idea and that we should have a “national debate” about it which means getting MPs to turn up for photo opportunities at meetings of hand-picked Liebour supporters to pretend that the electorate is involved in the decision making process.  It’s a controversial subject, he won’t go out on a limb and propose it as policy himself.

Personally, I think presumed consent is a good idea.  I’ve been an organ donor since I got my provisional driving licence at the age of 17 and my family all know that I’m a donor.  I don’t care whether I’m buried or burnt in one piece or with bits missing – I’ll be dead, I don’t care.  I like the idea that when I’m dead I might save someone’s life with some part of my body.

One of my kids had major heart surgery a few years ago and he got a donor heart valve.  That donor valve means that he won’t have to go back to have more surgery until his mid to late teens whereas with an artificial valve he would have been going back in the next couple of years for surgery that he needn’t have had.  As bad as it sounds, we were lucky someone died on that day and their heart valve was used in my son.  If that person hadn’t been an organ donor then my son would be getting ill again now and we’d be planning for the next trip to hospital.

There aren’t enough organ donors and it’s because people either can’t be arsed to register or they don’t know how to.  The people who run the organ donor card scheme reckon that most people are in favour of donating their organs when asked but that only translates into a relatively small amount of people who actually go as far as putting their details on the register.  Family consent is only given in 6 out of 10 cases and 2,400 transplants were carried out last year.  If only 60% of those 4 in 10 organs that are wasted because the family won’t consent were made available then every one of the 1,000 people per year who die on the waiting list would be given a chance of life.

As long as there is a way to opt out of being a donor then I don’t see a problem with presumed consent.  The millions of people who can’t be bothered to put themselves on the register would be equally lazy when it comes to taking themselves off the list.

Forgot to point out that this is a devolved issue so, again, the One Eyed Wonder of Wankistan is interfering in things that don’t affect his own constituents.

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  1. axel (1214 comments) says:

    it is just bullshit again, it will sink and disappear in the morass of incompotence, he was also in the Sun this morning saying he will prosecute blade carriers.

    Sounds like rabble rousing to me!

  2. KeithS (80 comments) says:

    Strongly agree with organ donation. Both my wife and I have carried organ donation cards for longer than I care to remember.
    But I strongly oppose the “assumed consent” idea.
    It smacks too much of the Stalinist idea that you belong totally to the State and we can do with you what we want.
    At the end of the day, the body belongs to the relatives, NOT the state, not the poor invalid or their relatives, or the doctors.
    After all, if it belonged to the state, they’d pay for the funeral wouldn’t they?
    Wouldn’t they?

  3. Andy (20 comments) says:

    I totally oppose the idea of presumed consent.While i support organ donation the idea that they can just help themselves is plain wrong,your body is the only thing that is totally your own,the state doesnt own you,either before or after death,and if they go down this road how long before they decide that the gold fillings in your teeth are also fair game?.

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