EU Constitution referendum legal bid fails

! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

An attempt by a UKIP member to force a referendum on the EU Constitution has failed.

Stuart Bower argued that Article 3 of the Human Rights Act guarantees the right to free elections and that No Mandate Brown has broken a manifesto promise to give a referendum and is therefore guilty of breach of contract.

No Mandate Brown’s lawyer said “Manifesto pledges are not subject to legitimate expectation” which roughly translates as “The Prime Minister promised lots of things but actually has no intention of honouring his promises”.  If I was a Liebour voter I’d be pretty pissed off right now.  If I was a Liebour member I’d be thinking “Shit, Gordo just admitted he’s a liar – come the next election we’re fucked”.

Of course, Liebour were bordering on unelectable before the Goblin King admitted to being a lying shit but if I was a Liebour flunky I’d be more worried about the revolution than the election.

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  1. peter whale (7 comments) says:

    Did the judge agree that Gordon Brown is a lying cunt or did he say that manifesto promises are binding? We know that Browns lawyer Knows that he,s a lying cunt!

  2. Charlie Marks (365 comments) says:

    Manifesto promises aren’t binding. New Labour have form. No electoral reform, which was promised. But tuition fees, despite a manifesto promise said they would NOT be introduced – were introduced.

    Millions of people have stopped voting Labour in the last decade and it’s made fuck-all impact because of the way the votes are counted – New Labour got a minority of the popular vote in ’05 but ended up with a huge majority.

    I don’t know about making manifesto comitments legally-binding, but electoral reform – a more representative voting system and provision for citizen-initiated referenda, would make a huge difference.

  3. wonkotsane (1133 comments) says:

    The Swiss might be a funny lot but they know how to do people power. Binding referenda on receipt of a petition, that’s the way to go.

  4. axel (1214 comments) says:

    so, looking at our various different electoral systems, scottish, welsh and ulster, which do you think is the best way forward?

  5. Charlie Marks (365 comments) says:

    “Binding referenda on receipt of a petition, that’s the way to go.”

    Wonko – totally agree. We need to have the principle of popular sovereignty tattoed onto the eyelids of all MPs. Especially Jack “we’re not some kind of Athenian democracy, parliament is sovereign” Straw.

    “looking at our various different electoral systems, scottish, welsh and ulster, which do you think is the best way forward?”

    I support the reunification of Ireland – in which case, people in the six counties would be able to vote on the EU consti-treaty…

    As for Scotland and Wales – both nationalist parties PC and SNP have expressed an interest in the citizens’ initiative and are committed to referenda on the issue of further devolved powers.

    The best way forward for England, of course, is our own way – based upon the sovereignty of the people of England.

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