London Tories hint at trouble for BNP

! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

Richard Barnes, the Conswervative Leader in London, has told the BNP that they will have problems finding secretaries and support staff in the London Assembly and that they won’t be forcing admin staff to do their jobs.

Whilst I find the BNP quite reprehensible, I don’t see how the Conswervatives can claim any moral justification for over-ruling the wishes of the electorate.  The London Assembly employs admin staff, paid for by the electorate, to support the elected members of the Assembly.  Whether it’s a BNP member of a Conswervative or Liebour doesn’t matter – they’re employed to do a job and they should bloody well do it.

I work for a private sector company on a on a public service contract and even though I’m not a civil servant, I have to abide by the civil service code and that means doing my job regardless of my political leanings.  I could bring an entire government department to a grinding halt in minutes and probably lose at least one minister their job but I don’t.  If I can resist the temptation, I’m damn sure a bunch of glorified typists can do the same.
The BNP’s seat on the London Assembly is a protest vote – tens of thousands of them, in fact – but it’s no less legitimate for that fact.

Hat-tip: Arden Forester

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  1. Charlie Marks (365 comments) says:

    “I could bring an entire government department to a grinding halt in minutes and probably lose at least one minister their job but I don’t.”

    Aw, go on!

  2. Andrew Ian Dodge (8 comments) says:

    This would be incredibly stupid of the Tories in the assembly to do. Are they trying to give the BNP more publicity? Petty moves like this are just foolish and counterproductive. This also feeds into the BNP mindset that they and their voters are being shut out by the establishment.

  3. axel (1214 comments) says:

    This is just spin, ‘Meet the new boss, same as the old boss’.

    What will happen is is the posts will be advertised and say there are 100 secretaries but only 20 apply for the job, it could be said that 80% have rejected the BNP, so it is lies, damned lies and statistics.

    The tories are just setting themselves up to reap any positive publicity that may come from it.

    When it comes to it are any of our politicians any less reprehensible than the others? I’m sutre the BNP has lots of good policies. And lots of bad ones too. When you total them up, are they any worse than anyone else?

  4. wonkotsane (1133 comments) says:

    They do have some good policies, I’ve read them (which is more than most BNP-bashers do). They have some pretty fundamental bad policies too – the fact they want to turn the country into a police state and force repatriation of immigrants.

    I imagine that the London Assembly has pools of admin staff and allocates Assembly Members’ staff from those pools.

  5. Scaffold (146 comments) says:

    The problem is that the Establishment thinks that it is always right. Why – one may ask. Because!.. Because!.. erm… because… … … it is right because it is right!

  6. Manbeast (24 comments) says:

    That’s the down side to democracy unfortunately, putting up with people who’s opinions you find sickening. Anything else is not democracy.

    Which, if you ocassionally read the Morning Star is something the so-called democratic left and their brownshirts can’t quite get their thick skulls around.

  7. Stan (222 comments) says:

    Well I do read the morning star and support most of it’s policies infact. And what is more I fully understand democracy. Much as I hate what the BNP stands for, (and UKIP actually – sorry!) I have to agree that you cannot prevent a democratically elected official from exercising his right to represent those that have voted for him or her. Moreover it seems odd that the tories want to take this step seeing as the BNP were urging their supporters to select Boris as their second choice.
    Most of my working life has also been spent in the civil service and i’ve worked with (and been friends with) people of all political persuasions. When it comes down to it a civil servant is working for the people, not the party in charge.

    Personally I would rather resign rather than work for a member of the BNP but that is a purely personal opinion.

    I would like to know what these good BNP policies that have been mentioned are though, I’m an occasional visitor of their website and I’ve yet to find any : )

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