Institutional Racism in the Met Police … against white men

! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

Boris is launching an inquiry into allegations of racism at the Met Police from the Metropolitan Black Police Association.

The Met BPA says that it will be discouraging black and asian people from applying to join the Met Police because of the “hostile and racist situation there”.

Yes, so fucking hostile and racist that they allow a Black Police Association.  Strangely enough, there’s no White Police Association.  Not because they don’t need specific representation – they do because white male officers are the most discriminated against section of society – but because it simply wouldn’t be allowed.

A spokeswoman for the Met Police Association said “At least 20% of all new recruits into Hendon police training college are from black and minority ethnic backgrounds”.  What percentage of applicants are from black or ethnic minority backgrounds?  In 2005/06 it was 19.2% so that indicates that black and ethnic minority recruits have, if anything, a slightly higher chance of getting into the force.

Here’s an interesting quote from the Met Police 2005/06 employment report:

Over the 2005/06 financial year there were 104 corporate recruitment campaigns designed to encourage black and minority ethnic community members and women to apply to the MPS

104 recruitment campaigns run specifically to target black and asian applicants.  Presumably these were coupled with “no white men” recruitment drives that seem to be increasingly common in the police.

The problem with the Met and the police as a whole is that they are obsessed with race.  The Met wants the ethnicity of their force to be proportionate to the ethnicity of London.  But applications from white men are disproportionately high so potentially excellent white male recruits don’t even make it through the selection process whilst black, asian or women applicants that have far less potential are recruited in their place just so they can say they have a “diverse” and “representative” police force.

It takes the fucking piss.

The Black Police Association excludes white officers and then accuses the Met Police of being racist.  The Black Police Association has successfully lobbied for recruitment campaigns that exclude white males and then accuses the Met Police of being racist.  The Black Police Association has successfully lobbied for quotas on the number of white male officers allowed in the force and then accuses the Met Police of being racist.  The Black Police Association has successfully lobbied for disproportionate promotion of black and ethnic minority officers and then accuses the Met Police of being racist.

The Met Police bend over backwards to show favour to black and ethnic minority officers to the detriment of the native white male population but it’s never enough.  If you give them an inch they’ll take a yard.  The Black Police Association is am exclusive, divisive and racist organisation that shouldn’t just be ignored, it should be banned along with every other pressure group that restricts its membership to one race or colour.  If white-only groups aren’t acceptable then neither should BME-only groups – no exceptions.

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  1. axel (1214 comments) says:

    Surely it is a sign that the etnnics are inertgrating very well into the Met as their top 2 bods have just been hammered with corruption charges?
    The Met has always had the reputation of being corrupt and easy going, maybe they need someone from the sticks to point this out to them?

  2. axel (1214 comments) says:

    “Over the 2005/06 financial year there were 104 corporate recruitment campaigns designed to encourage black and minority ethnic community members and women to apply to the MPS”

    Maybe this says more about the way the ethnics perceive law and law enforcement than the powers that be, would care to admit?

    Were these campaigns that were speciffically tailoerd for specific ethnic minorities or were they campaigns that were merely translated into their languages?

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