Don’t let the door hit you on the way out

! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

The Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Union (RMT) has claimed that protesters occupying a wind turbine factory are having their human rights breached.

The Vestas factory on the Isle of White is being closed by its owners (announced on the same day the British government announced its fictitious “green jobs” figures) so workers have illegally occupied the building and are staging an illegal sit-in.

The RMT say that the illegal protesters’ human rights are being breached because, allegedly, Vestas aren’t allowing people into the building to give deliver food to them.

So which section of the Human Rights Act covers refusing permission for people to enter a private building to feed protesters illegally occupying said building?  Apparently, it’s the bit that covers depriving someone of their liberty.  Which is odd, because according to the BBC News website, Vestas has been to court to have the illegal protesters removed which would suggest that, far from depriving the protesters of their liberty, Vestas are actively trying to force their liberty on them by way of an eviction.

It’s idiots like this that devalue the Human Rights Act to the extent that it become a national joke.  Nobody’s human rights are being breached.  The protesters, I am sure, are free to walk out of the door any time they feel so inclined and go back to their families.  Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs in the last few months yet, strangely, none of them seem to have felt the need to illegally occupy their former employers’ offices in protest.  If these Vestas workers are looking for sympathy, making patently false and quite ridiculous claims of human rights abuses is a funny way of going about it.

The “green” industry is based on a complete fabrication and is entirely unsistainable.  The general public has neither the money, nor the inclination, to buy into the environmentalist scam.  In the case of wind turbines – the line of business that Vestas is in – they are hugely expensive to make, hugely expensive to run and are so inefficient and ineffectual that most of them will never recoup their manufacturing and operational costs before the end of, in the absence of more appropriate terminology, their “useful” life.  Anyone basing their long term future and financial security on the “green” industry is either a fool or one of the career environmentalists that makes a living spouting bullshit propaganda at TV cameras.

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  1. Charlie Marks (365 comments) says:

    Surprise surprise – Wonko sides with the transnational corporation rather than the workers…

  2. wonkotsane (1133 comments) says:

    I’m not siding with anybody, I’m merely pointing out the gaping hole in the RMT’s argument (ie. it’s bullshit) and commenting on the unsustainability of “green” industries.

  3. jameshigham (87 comments) says:

    Wonko, all through what you wrote, I was nodding but now I’m shaking the head – those are the devalued times we live in now, thanks to the devalued PM and effing PC.

  4. Charlie Marks (365 comments) says:

    Vestas Blades on the IoW produces for the overseas market – so the issue isn’t about the UK. The transnational company is relocating production to the US and China, this is the core issue.

    But if renewable energy technologies are expensive all I can say is, what form of energy generation isn’t? Nuclear requires a subsidy, coal is labour intensive – that doesn’t mean we don’t invest in these forms of energy generation!

    And you did side with the transnational company as you asserted their property rights to the plant over the right of workers to defend their industry and community. A corporation isn’t an human being and so cannot have the same rights as flesh and blood people.

    “Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs in the last few months yet, strangely, none of them seem to have felt the need to illegally occupy their former employers’ offices in protest.”

    Sounds like something Vestas’ anti-union management would say, does it not? Perhaps more people will follow the lead of the Vestas workers – and then we might not be in a situation where the greedy bankers get bailed out and workers and small business people with the cost.

  5. Daggs (55 comments) says:

    Sounds like something Vestas’ anti-union management would say, does it not? Perhaps more people will follow the lead of the Vestas workers – and then we might not be in a situation where the greedy bankers get bailed out and workers and small business people with the cost. End Quote

    By a left wing government!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Stan (222 comments) says:

    By a left wing government!!!!!!!!!!!

    They might be left-wing from where you’re standing but to me they are practically Tory. Bailing out capitalist institutions with tax payers money has nothing to do with socialism – ever

  7. axel (1214 comments) says:

    Surely nationalisation of the financial system is the main socialist goal, if you control the money, you control the country?

  8. Stan (222 comments) says:

    “Surely nationalisation of the financial system is the main socialist goal, if you control the money, you control the country?”

    Not when a lame duck bank is only kept alive with tax payers money so that it can be re-sold to the private sector at a later date.
    That harks back to the days when all the profitable parts of the nationalised industries were sold off for peanuts to make thatchers cronies even richer, while what was left was butchered because it wasn’t profitable.

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