Unelected Labour peer, Lord Adonis, is spearheading yet another campaign for the destruction of England by regionalisation.

78% of people don’t want regional government you say? I honestly don’t give a shit.
The Labour Party always refer to the deceitful referendum on the common market held in 1975, which nobody currently under the age of 56 was able to take part in, as giving legitimacy to our continued membership of the EU despite the majority of the population being opposed to it. Yet the referendum on regional government held in the north east of England by his party just 8 and a half years ago which resulted in a 78% “no” vote can apparently be safely ignored.
Adonis is producing a report for Nick Clegg – another Deputy Prime Minister that wants to destroy England – on the economy of north east of England and wants regional governments in England with control over major budgets. His vision is for a return of the unelected regional assemblies and regional development agencies that we’ve only just got rid of. It’s a kick in the teeth for democracy and if he’s successful, another major broken promise from the British government.
Local authorities can work together perfectly well without an unaccountable, undemocratic regional quango taking powers and money away from elected representatives. Local government is a devolved matter, the British government has no moral or democratic mandate to ride roughshod over our democratic wishes and dismantle our system of local government to suit their own political ambitions. Labour is already behind a campaign for a regional parliament for the north of England and this renewed interest in “devolution” to regional quangos is a regionalist trojan horse. The fact that it’s an unelected peer trying to dismantle our country makes it even more unacceptable.
Of course if the Tories actually spoke up for England (the people in whose country the gained a majority) rather than sucking up to the Scots or if UKIP got their act together on this issue they’d have a harder job. As it is they get no opposition to the crap they’re sprouting.
They’ll never give up on that one.
Can I cross post this on the ES?
Course you can J.
Sarah, take a look at http://www.bloggers4ukip.org.uk. I think you’ll like it.
As I said there. Glad to see progress at last but will believe it when I see it in UKIP’s manifesto.