Archive for Funny

New Labour Logo

Dark Heretic suggests a new Labour logo …

Boris, you make me laugh

Boris Johnson really does make me laugh, I think he’s brilliant.  If there’s another leadership campaign before the next election Boris has got to be a vote winner.

Boris is in a spot of bother again though.  It seems that he’s offended the Papua New Guineans by saying that they’re into canibalism and chief killing.  Canibalism is against the law in Papua New Guinea now but it still goes on.  Some parts of Papua New Guinea are so remote that they have never encountered outsiders before and canibalism undoubtedly still goes on there like it has for thousands of years.

Anyway, this is all academic.  Boris has been a very naughty boy upsetting a whole country but he has said sorry so I think he could be forgiven.

Boris for Prime Minister!


A cyclist was fined here in Telford a couple of weeks ago for inconsiderate riding.  He was riding down the road at 20mph and causing cars to slow down because the road had solid white lines down the middle (for those that don’t know, that means no overtaking).  The judge said that he should have used the cycle lane instead of the road and fined him a couple of hundred quid.

If proof be needed that fate takes the piss then this is it: his brother was riding in a cycle lane yesterday when a car clipped the back of his bike and then sped off.

Almost enough to make you believe there really is a god up there with a warped sense of humour.  Almost.