Archive for June 2007

Falklands celebrate liberation tomorrow

Falkland Islanders will tomorrow celebrate the official surrender of Argentina following the invasion of the territory in 1982.

The Argentinian government and military didn’t think we would go to the effort of sending forces halfway round the world to defend a bunch of remote islands in the South Atlantic.  Unlucky.

Look better with the Union Flag replaced by a Cross of St George wouldn’t it?

Parliamentary secrecy bill could be abandoned

Support for the amendment to the Freedom of Information Act that will exempt MPs from the regulations has dropped significantly and it looks likely that the bill will be rejected by the Lords.

That is assuming, of course, that the bill makes it that far because divisions within the Commons means that the bill may run out of parliamentary time and have to start again in the next session of Parliament if it can get enough support.

MPs supporting the amendment claim that the change in the law is necessary to protect communications from their constituents but this argument is deliberate misinformation.  The law already prevents disclosure of personally identifiable information – there is no need to change the law to allow MPs to operate in complete secrecy and to deliberately withhold information.

English student debts

University students took out £3.4bn in student loans last year, £386.5m of which was for top-up fees.

English students have to pay up to £3,000 a year on top of their tuition fees thanks to whipped Scottish Labour MPs voting through a bill to impose top-up fees on English students even though it didn’t apply to students in Scotland and a majority of English MPs had voted against it.

Scottish students don’t pay top-up fees in Scotland, nor do the Welsh in Wales.  EU students don’t pay in either of those countries but English students do no matter where they study.

Gotta love that union dividend.

Twat of the Week: John Reid

Twat of the Week TrophyTwat of the Week voting is now closed and we have a tie between John Reid and Seb Coe.

I tossed 3 Luxembourgish €2 coins at to determine the winner – heads for Seb Coe (I thought it appropriate what with the Olympics logo looking like Lisa Simpson giving head) and tails for John Reid.

The result is …

It’s a unanimous decision – even fate thinks John Reid is a twat.

SNP to abolish tuition fees

The SNP is abolishing university top-up fees entirely for Scottish and EU students studying in Scottish universities.

Scottish university students don’t pay top-up fees like English students do because education is a devolved matter and MSPs decided not to introduce them north of the border for Scots although English students studying in Scotland have to pay them.  Top-up fees were introduced in English universities for English students entirely thanks to whipped Scottish Labour MPs after the majority of MPs from English constituencies rejected them.

Currently, Scottish university students have to pay their tuition fees and take out student loans to finance themselves whilst at university.  However, from 2009 tuition fees will be abolished altogether for Scottish students and the loans will be replaced from 2011 with maintenance grants meaning that Scottish students will be able to study at university for free.

There is a price to pay though – the cost of wiping out all these charges is £2bn per year – but don’t worry, the English taxpayer is footing the bill.

Twat of the Week nominations

Twat of the Week TrophyIt’s been a while since I did a Twat of the Week award so to mark its (possibly temporary) comeback, the winners will virtually receive this lovely trophy made from the finest pixels and assembled in a Kazakhstani sweat shop by disabled lesbian midget prostitutes.

In a break from tradition I’ll choose the nominees myself this week …

Nomination Reason
John Reid John Reid wants to extend 28 day detention and Fraud (Trials without a Jury) Bill
Gordon Brown Does there have to be anything in particular?
Angela Merkel EU chief propagandist – Lost in translation
Vernon Coaker “English” Booze Culture
Traitor Bliar The list is endless – British government says we can’t have equality
Seb Coe How much did this piece of crap cost us?

Please cast your vote using the poll below.

Worst Labour Minister of the Year so far …

All good things must come to an end and that includes the Worst Labour Minister of the Year so far poll.

The result was quite predictable really with the usual Twat of the Week candidates leading the poll since day one really.

Prime Minister un-elect, the Tartan Taxman, Gordon “No Mandate” Brown came first with 24% of the vote.

Traitor Bliar came second with 18% of the vote and joint third place goes to Fatty Prescott and Patricia Hewitt with 12% each.

Fourth place goes to the unelected Chancellor, Charlie Falconer, who secured 10% of the vote.

Fraud (Trials without a Jury) Bill

The Fraud (Trials without a Jury) Bill, which seeks to remove the right to trial by jury for fraud cases, is due for its second reading in the Lords.

John Reid, the British Home Secretary, declares that the Bill is conpatible with the European Convention on Human Rights but fails to mention whether it is compatible with our own constitution.  Which it isn’t.

The 1215 Magna Carta guarantees the right to trial by jury.  There are only three clauses of Magna Carta still in force today and the right to trial by jury is one of them:

XXIX. NO Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right

The Fraud (Trials without a Jury) Bill does not repeal Magna Carta explicitly and the rule of implied repeal doesn’t apply here because Magna Carta is a constitutional law and must be explictly repealed as established in the Metric Martyrs case (Thoburn v Sunderland City Council).

Denying the right to trial by jury is illegal and unconstitutional.

Gallileo will be public-funded

Transport Ministers from all member states have agree to spend another €2.4bn (£1.63bn) on the Gallileo project on top of the €1bn (£680m) already committed.

Gallileo is Federal Europe’s rival to the American GPS system which is free to use worldwide.  The Gallileo system will cost money to use and is being built and run by a private consortium whereas the GPS system costs nothing to use and was built and run by the US Military.

The original plan was for the EU to stump up the cash for the first four satellites and the other 22 were to be built by the private consortium running the project.  However, the consortium is concerned that the project might not be the cash cow they were expecting and have missed several deadlines for starting work.

The Guardian reports that ministers have refused to spend any more public money on the project but Chinese news site Xinhua claims that public money will be spent on the project.  The money will, of course, be public money whether it is paid for by an extra lump sum or from existing EU funding because the EU is funded entirely by the six net contributors to the EU budget of which the UK is the second highest coming in slightly behind the Netherlands thanks to the repidly diminishing rebate.

The FT reports that Stephen Ladyman, one of the British Transport Ministers, has said that he doesn’t see the strategic case for Gallileo and if they can’t figure out how they’re going to make any money out of it then the UK will seek cancellation of the project.  The French Transport Minister said that Gallileo is “strategic and indispensible” if the EU is to ever free itself from the yolk of oppression of the American pig dogs (I made that last bit up).  He also said that the “British brake” could be overcome.

John Reid wants to extend 28 day detention

John Reid, the British Home Secretary, wants to try and change the law again to allow the state to hold suspected terrorists for more than 28 days without charge.

The British government has already tried to extend the limit to 3 months but it was defeated.  No developed country in the world allows suspects of any crime to be detained for 3 months without charge.

As I said back when the 3 month limit was first proposed, if the authorities have sufficient evidence to suspect someone of terrorism, they should have sufficient evidence to charge them.  If the case is complex the courts can remand the suspect whilst the case against them is built.  Alternatively, the suspect could be charged with something trivial while they’re being investigated – how many suspected terrorists do their archery practice every Sunday as per Edward III’s writ in 1363 which has never been repealed?  How many terrorist suspects are guilty of breaking an egg at the sharp end in blatant disregard of one of Edward VI’s laws?

Where there is a will, there’s a way.  These illiberal laws are designed to cutail the rights and freedoms of every citizen, not just suspected terrorists.

Stalker gets collar felt

The cyber-stalker who went on the run from the police after being convicted of stalking Rachel from North London has been caught.

Interesting fact: I went to school with the first person in the UK to be convicted of cyber-stalking.

Lost in translation

I think the EU Minister for Propaganda, Angela Merkel, might need to look at hiring herself a better script writer.

We agreed… that CO2 emissions must first be stopped and then followed by substantial reductions. 

Erm … right.  So we’re going to stop them and then reduce them significantly.  Have German scientists developed anti-CO2?  What will its chemical symbol be?  Would it be -CO-2 perhaps?

The BBC has very kindly reproduced the Intragovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s apocalyptic finger in the air guess at future global warming so we can all see what random temperature increases they’ve hypothesised might occur based on the same historical data that convinced the worlds scientists 30 years ago that we were heading for a new ice age.  How science has come on.  The BBC does point out that scientists from over 130 countries have made these conclusions so it must be true (this figure includes the scientists who left the team because they thought it was unscientific and following a political agenda but chose not to go as far as taking legal action to have their names removed from the report).

There are some pretty graphs and heat maps of the globe for three different scenarios, none of which is the scenario that the temperature of the earth might just carry on as it is because such scientific heresy must be suppressed at all costs.  To entertain such a theory would suggest that there is any doubt that global warming is going to happen.

Warm War in the offing?

I know it’s old news now but the BBC still seem to think it’s got legs.

The yanks want to put nuclear missiles in Eastern Europe, on Russia’s doorstep, as part of its Star Wars programme.  The Ruskies, ever ready for a pissing contest with the west, have promised to target their own nuclear missiles on European cities in retaliation.

This just isn’t cricket of course, George Bush has thrown his teddy out of his pram and Bliar is going to have a frank discussion with Putin and tell him we must all live by common principles, just not when nuclear weapons are involved because  only the Americans are allowed to point them at whoever they like.

There have been murmurings that this could be the Cold War Mark 2 but these people are just being silly – with all this global warming we’re supposed to be getting, it’ll be a luke warm war.  I would say people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones but perhaps a few holes would help the greenhouse gases to escape?

“English” Booze Culture

The British government wants to tackle the “English drinking culture” which makes binge drinking, drunkenness and anti-social behaviour acceptable.

Vernon Coaker, a pretend minister at the Home Office, wants to change the perception that it’s “acceptable to drink to get drunk” and the campaign will not only target young binge drinkers out for a night on the tiles but older people drinking at home.

Caroline Flint, another pretend minister at the Department for Health, said middle-age, middle-class drinkers will mainly be targetted.  Presumably her BA (Hons) in American literature and American history qualifies her in some way to pontificate on the subject of drinking and the whole alcohol industry.

Vernon Croaker said “It’s almost regarded as acceptable to drink to get drunk and we want to change that attitude.”  You’re wrong though Vernon – it is acceptable to drink to get drunk.  It’s this little thing called free will – just a silly tradition really – where people are free to do what the fuck they want as long as they’re not breaking the law without having an over-bearing, interfering nanny state dictating what they are and are not allowed to find acceptable.

Alcohol abuse kills one Scot every six hours yet it is the “English drinking culture” that needs to be changed and English lives that need further intereference from the state. If people want to drink too much – in public or in the privacy of their own home – then that is of no concern to the state. Get on with running the country and get your noses out of our private business.

Prescott has pneumonia

Fatty Prescott has pneumonia but it’s apparently not serious.

Ah well, better luck next time.

Olympics logo causes fits

The picture of Lisa Simpson Giving Head 2012 Olympics logo has caused a number of people to have elileptic siezures resulting in some of the half a million pound kids scribble to be taken off their website.

BBC News were talking about it this morning and, just to ensure that everyone knew what they were talking about, they cut to a 5 second clip of the flashing logo that has been causing epileptics to have fits.  Retards.

Sickle Cell Anemia drug refused to English children

English children who have been trialling a sickle cell anemia drug may end up having to return to painful injections because English Primary Care Trusts (PCT’s) don’t want to pay for it.

Treatment for sickle cell anemia in children normally consists of injections into the stomach administered for 8-12 hours a day for up to 5 days a week by parents.  The new treatment is a tablet in the morning and a tablet at night.

The new treatment is, of course, available for free on the NHS in Scotland courtesy of the English taxpayer.

Sickle Cell Anemia is a painful disease that stays with the sufferer for life, decreases life expectency and causes eventual organ failure and strokes.

British government says we can’t have equality

The treacherous British government has responded to a petition with over 1,700 signatures demanding an English Parliament.

The petition said:

The 1998 Scotland Act has left England uniquely without its own Parliament or Assembly. Simple fairness requires that an English Parliament now be created.

The response is below.  To see my comments, hover over the speech bubbles The comment would be here.

Devolution has been designed to meet the varying demands of the people of the UK The English are demanding devolution. The great virtue of the British Constitution is that it has for centuries, been able to accommodate difference and anomaly in order to meet the specific aspirations of the British people The English have aspirations of self governance, just like the rest of the UK.

English constituency MPs currently total over 80% of Members in Parliament and they represent over 80% of the population of the UK But they're British MPs and they are concerned with the whole of the UK, not just England. An English Parliament would turn the UK into a federal nation Good!. History shows that where one country in a federation contains more than 30% of the economic wealth or population, the federation is unsustainable An example would be ... ?. England’s dominance within the UK would make a federal UK unsustainable Wrong - an English Parliament would be concerned only with devolved English matters. There would be continued tension between the policies of the English Parliament and Government, and those of the federal Parliament and Government, with the English institutions determining most of the economic and social policies, including public expenditure, but the federal institutions responsible for defence, taxation and macro-economic policy This is what happens in Scotland and Wales now.

The highest priority was given to the creation of a parliament in Scotland, and a national assembly in Wales, since the demand for decentralisation in these countries was long-standing What, so we can't have it until we`ve waited for decades just because Scotland and Wales had to?. Indeed, proposals to create similar institutions were enacted in the late 1970’s but failed to secure the necessary majorities in referendums Ok, so give us a referendum and see what happens. The existing devolution settlement introduced in 1997/98 was designed to meet varying needs, and enabled better local decision making, in response to local issues But not for England ... which is the point being made you cretin!.

Taxpayer-funded Islamic Studies

The British government is pledging £1,000,000 of taxpayers money to fund Islamic Studies in universities in a bid to curb extremism.

At a conference “fronted” by Cambridge University, Traitor Bliar said that British politicians must listen harder to the “calm voice of moderation” of the majority of the UK’s muslims.  He didn’t, however, explain why the hell British politicians must listen harder to a minority group of fanatics following a religion that hasn’t evolved since the dark ages rather than treating them exactly the same as everyone else.  When will the British government start listening to the calm voice of moderation of the majority of English people?

Not only is a million pounds of our tax money – money which could be spent on doctors or schools – being given to universities to train Imams but Islamic Studies are being given “strategic importance subject” status which will make it easier to get bottomless pits of taxpayers money.

The money is being thrown at Islamic Studies based on the theory that if the British government gives universities lots of money then they won’t teach their students that all westerners are infidels and they’ll get more control over the teaching of Islam.  Meanwhile, the University & College Union last week voted to urge lecturers not to inform the authorities if they suspect one of their students of extermism.

Bliar also wants Islamic schools to have closer links with state schools.  Islamic schools shouldn’t exist – how can muslims integrate into our society and our culture if they seperate themselves from the rest of society at home, work and school?  Try banning muslims from a Christian school and see what happens!

How much did this piece of crap cost us?

The logo for the 2012 London Olympics has been unveiled and … what a pile of shite.

The yellow and purple blob is supposed to be a stylised 2012 but it’s a bit like one of those optical illusions where the vase becomes two old women when you stare at it.  The best suggestion I’ve seen so far is that it looks like Lisa Simpson giving head …

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

It cost the taxpayer £400k.  Which is a lot for this load of crap but like pissing in the North Sea when you put it in the context of the estimated £8bn bill for staging the games.