Daily Mail: Are the Scots racist against the English?

! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

The Daily Mail has a poll on their website asking “Are the Scots racist against the English?

This, this, this, this, this and this should give you a bit of a clue.  As I write, 76% of people have voted “Yes”.

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  1. axel (1214 comments) says:

    Still at 76% now too

    an oddly worrying amount of people stink Trident should be replaced (49%)!

  2. axel (1214 comments) says:

    Check this out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    this is bad, this is scary

  3. wonkotsane (1133 comments) says:

    Still 76%, I wonder if it’s closed.

    Daniel is one of my neighbouring MPs, nice bloke. Not sure why he let the police take the correspondence, I’d have told them where to go in no uncertain terms. They must have been given permission to come into the Palace though.

  4. axel (1214 comments) says:

    What do the police want with a letter?

    Why could’nt they just ask for it?

    Am I just being overly paranoid or is this a thought police KGb, suppresion of beleifs ideas type of thing?

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