Jeremy Clarkson Strikes Again

! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

Good old Jeremy Clarkson, he always manages to get himself into trouble.  He’s got a long way to go before he can challenge Boris Johnson or Prince Phillip for the top spot but he’s a solid contender.

This time he’s offended blind people, disabled people and Scottish people by calling El Gordo a one-eyed Scottish idiot.

It’s interesting to see the amount of people who claim to be offended by what Clarkson said and it’s unfortunate that he’s apologised (although he refused to apologise about calling him an idiot) because when you examine the facts – he’s Scottish, he’s blind in one eye and he’s an idiot – Clarkson was bang on the money.

If Clarkson’s comment was offensive to the sweaty socks, perhaps this advert I did for the CEP a while ago will get the Scots and the English worked up …

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  1. axel (1214 comments) says:

    we’re not offended, maybe it is a sign of how much we love him…..but he has to work abroad

    The whole quote was bang on the money, ‘he’s scared because he’s seen the books…..’

    And he’s related to the old Ac/Dc drummer, so that makes him a winner in my book

  2. jerry (78 comments) says:

    I think the people are just over sensitive and I really don’t see how he offended anyone but Brown.
    He’s made fun of germans and you don’t see me complaining,people just need to learn to laugh about themselves at least a bit because otherwise you’re just going to be complaining your whole life about small things that are in fact pretty funny.

  3. Denise (1 comments) says:

    …Jeremy just verbalises what a lot of people are thinking anyway. We’ve all been there I’m sure, just usually on a smaller scale. Sensitivity & PC-ness blown way out of proportion. Nice call Jeremy! 🙂

  4. Stan (222 comments) says:

    I don’t think the point here is what he said, it’s the way he said it. It was meant to be insulting and he acknowledged that, which is why he apologised. There is nothing wrong with being one-eyed or Scottish, but the context in which he used the words was.

    “He’s made fun of germans and you don’t see me complaining,people just need to learn to laugh about themselves”

    Agreed, but there’s a difference between laughing with someone and laughing at someone.

    “Jeremy just verbalises what a lot of people are thinking anyway”

    I think that’s what I find most disturbing about the whole thing

  5. axel (1214 comments) says:

    Maybe the term ‘Sheep blowing Fifer’, did not have the gravitas it needed in Oz?

  6. Stan (222 comments) says:

    “Maybe the term ‘Sheep blowing Fifer’, did not have the gravitas it needed in Oz?”

    Axel, I am appalled that you are using such abusive language. I can only hope that no sheep have taken offence at your suggestion.

  7. axel (1214 comments) says:


    You have certain views of the scots and the fifers are the “scots” for the rest rest of us north of the tweed 😉

  8. Stan (222 comments) says:

    “You have certain views of the scots and the fifers are the “scots” for the rest rest of us north of the tweed”

    I don’t usually take a stand on anyones nationality, I prefer to judge people as individuals, so no, I don’t have view’s of scots or fifers as such.

    Actually I meant that you seemed to suggest that a sheep would lower itself to allow Mr Brown anywhere near it.

    Even sheep have some measure of self respect.

    I wouldn’t dare insult anyones country of origin but I believe it’s open season for Prime Ministers : )

  9. axel (1214 comments) says:


    dont be a pussy, we are all grown ups and if you cant stand the heat you should’nt dance in the bonfire

  10. Stan (222 comments) says:


  11. axel (1214 comments) says:

    insult away, I am big enough to be not bothered and if i was the sort who was bothered i would be sticking it to gordo about being a fifer

    we should stop pussy footing around about upsetting each other, wtf are you going to do? Make me cry?

  12. Stan (222 comments) says:

    I wasn’t pussy footing around, I just don’t tend to insult people – It’s the way I am that’s all

    You can call me what you like though, I don’t mind

  13. axel (1214 comments) says:


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