Archive for July 2007

Welsh Liebour must be desperate, isn’t it, lovely?

The Liebour Party, having failed to secure a workable majority in the Welsh Assembly elections, have been forced to form a coalition government with Welsh nationalist party, Plaid Cymru.

This is a blow to Liebour who have lost control of Scotland after 50 years to the Scottish nationalists and made all the worse because Plaid actually wanted to go into a coalition with the Illiberal Dipshits but they couldn’t get their act together so they plumped for Liebour as their second choice.

Plaid leader, Ieuan Wyn Jones, will become deputy First Minister whilst Welsh Liebour leader, Rhodri Morgan, will stay as First Minister. This is the first time Plaid have been in government in its 82 year history and the first time that Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have all had a nationalist government.

Drunken Failure should know better

The drunken failure, Charles Kennedy, has been caught smoking on a train.

The former leader of the Illiberal Dipshits was not given an illegal on-the-spot fine but was given a talking to by British Transport Police. The ginger whinger apaprently told officers that he thought he was allowed to lean out of the window and smoke without breaking the law.

What an utter crock of shit! Kennedy is still an MP and actually voted for the smoking ban – how could he not know what he was allowed to do under the legislation? He knew what he was doing and he should have been prosecuted. Ignorance of the law is not a valid defence.

We thought Gordo was bad …

Robert Mugabe, the batshit dictator of Zimbabwe, has extended his policy of price-fixing to steminflation and threatened to sieze any business that doesn’t comply.

Mugabe claims that it is profiteering by private enterprise that is responsible for the official 4,500% rate of inflation in Zimbabwe (which most independent financial institutions put at near 9,000%) and not the fact that whenever the Zimbabwean government runs out of money, it just prints some more.

Many businessmen said that they would simply cut or stop production rather than produce goods at a loss prompting the Mugabe to threaten to steal sieze any business that doesn’t comply.

The price-cuts started on essential items such as bread, meat and other foodstuffs and were extended to other items such as consumer goods, mobile phone call charges, air fares and car spares. The price cuts have now been extended to fuel which is already in short supply. As a result, shops have sold out of essential items, mobile phone networks are too busy to route calls and petrol stations are closing down.

A few years ago, Zimbabwe was a net producer of food and was one of the strongest economies on the continent. Zimbabwe was known as the Bread Basket of Africa. Then Mugabe siezed white-owned farms, divided them up into too-small plots and gave them to black farm workers who don’t know how to run a farm. As a result, Zimbabwe’s farms can no longer support the population and foreign investment has all but stopped with the exception of the Chinese who are trying to establish Zimbabwe as a client state in Africa. One of Mugabe’s other bright ideas – announced a couple of weeks ago – is to sieze any foreign-owned business that isn’t at least 50% owned by a black Zimbabwean. This includes Barclays Bank and a couple of huge mining companies, basically all that is left of western foreign investment.

Letters in Shropshire Star

I’ve had two letters in the Shropshire Star this week:

Blair could gather tips

It is reported 200,000 people signed a BBC petition to Hamas militants that kidnapped reporter Alan Johnston – and he was released.

About 1.8 million people signed Peter Roberts’ petition calling on Government not to introduce road pricing and they ignored it. Maybe Tony Blair could pick up some tips for Gordon while he is in the Middle East.

S Parr

Problem of the PM’s pledge to Scotland

In 1998 Gordon Brown signed the Scottish Claim of Right.

This public oath said “We, tgathered as the Scottish Constitutional Convention, do hereby acknowledge the sovereign right of the Scottish people to determine the form of Government best suited to their needs, and do hereby declare and pledge that in all our deliberations their interests shall be paramount.”

Gordon Brown, MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, pledged as far back as 1998 to put Scotland first yet the Labour Party – and Her Majesty, The Queen, for that matter – don’t see a problem.

Is it too much to ask that the British Prime Minister and de-facto First Minister of England pledges to represent the whole of the country equally and no to put five million of his fellow Scots in front of 65 million English people in all his “actions and deliberations”.

Stuart Parr

More Spin from the Goblin King

A week or so ago, Quentin Davies defected from the Tories citing spin as one of the reasons he had changed from being a lifelong Conswervative to being a lifelong Liebour supporter.

It’s a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire for flip-flop Quentin whose carefully orchestrated defection was planned to the last second and his speech – written by Downing Street spin doctors – a masterpiece of treachery and spin. Since then the Downing Street propaganda machine has been spinning on its own axis – if only they’d had the forethought to stick them inside a turbine, they’d have produced enough green (or should that be brown?) electricity to power half of Central London for the last week.

The latest bit of spin revolves around No Mandate Brown’s pathetic attempts to wrap himself once more in the union flag and get English people to take on the British identity his government destroyed in 1997. According to the Downing Street propaganda machine, the glorious Goblin King has changed the rules so that public buildings are no longer restricted to flying the British flag for 18 days a year but now they can all revel in the same faux-British patriotic glory as Number 10 and fly the union flag 365 days a year. Gosh, isn’t he great?

Cue the Torygraph to piss on Gordon’s parade: Union flag already flying all year round.

The error was pointed out by the Flag Institute. Its spokesman, Michael Faul, said: “The 18 days are the days where they are required to fly the flag because of the importance of those days, such as the Queen’s official birthday.

“But there’s no law or custom which prevents any person in the UK flying the Union flag on any other day.”

Britishness Brown and his flag of many colours

The Goblin King has made it known that to receive the favour of His Twattiness, all public buildings and homes and businesses in Britain must fly the British flag.

All buildings in Britain that aren’t in Scotland of course. Or Wales. Or Northern Ireland. Oh yes, nearly forgot – not the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man either.

Let me just make this absolutely clear Mr Brown. I will NOT be flying your flag from my house. Furthermore, if my local council starts putting up British flags on public buildings in my home town, I will make their life hell. The council headquarters here already has a union flag, the council’s flag, and that dirty, filthy rag of the European Federation flying from the roof and unless the British flag is accompanied on every public building by the English flag I won’t be happy. We don’t want your faux-Britishness and no matter how many times you tell me I’m British, I will always be English and my flag is the Cross of St George. The only time I want to see a union flag flying from the flagpole of a public building is if it’s at half mast with the Cross of St George flying above it.

How Ironic

The Tibetan government in exile is visiting England on an official fact-finding visit to the British Parliament.

The Tibetan government in exile has its base in Dharamsala in India and are looking for tips on how to form policy and introduce laws but, says the BBC, “this is tricky when you are not actually in the country you are trying to form a government for”.

Well gentlemen, you came to the right place. No Mandate Brown is an expert on passing laws in a different country when he can’t do so in the country he’s based in.

News from the Ministry of Ridiculous Appointments

Monty Python eat your heart out. The Ministry of Silly Walks has nothing on the Ministry of Ridiculous Appointments.

It started with appointing a no-mandate Scottish MP as Prime Minister without an election, followed this up with Traitor Bliar as Middle East Peace Keeper and excelled itself yesterday by appointing Jabba Prescott as the British representative on the European Federation’s Council of Ministers!

Prescott is an absolute liability, a complete cretin. He fails to understand the most basic concepts of government – things like “no means no” and “public servant” and “don’t punch journalists for asking you questions”. Bliar might have sold us up the river with the EU Constitution but Prescott has the capacity to inflict some real damage through sheer incompetence.

More regionalisation from Brown

No Mandate Brown has shown that he is hell-bent on the destruction of our country and the imposition of regional government whether we want it or not.

Hot on the heels of his appointment of regional ministers to each of the euroregions in England (the West Midlands has been lumbered with Liam Byrne, MP for Hodge Hill, ensuring the regional bureaucracy remains centred on Birmingham) comes regional question time and regional committees.

It also looks like the regional ministers will be responsible for overseeing the appointment of the chair and board of the regional development agencies, meaning that regional quangos will be even more politicised and loyal to the Labour Party.

No Mandate Brown defends his feifdom

No Mandate Brown has ruled out banning MPs from Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish constituencies from interfering in matters that only affect England over which they have no say in their own constituencies.

Gordon the Goblin King says that he will Britain only Britain support Britain constitutional Britain changes Britain that Britain will Britain make Britain Britain Britain stronger. Britain. Britain Britain Britain. Britain.

The Ignorant Jock says that stopping MPs such as himself from voting on things that only affect England because that would create two classes of MP – those that could vote on all legislation and those that couldn’t vote on devolved matters in England. David Cameron, unusually, put up a bit of opposition by pointing out that there are already two classes of MP – those who can vote on matters that only affect another country from the one they were elected in and those that can’t.

Needless to say it fell on deaf ears. I mean, what would No Mandate Brown actually do all day if he couldn’t fuck up the English NHS, English education system, English environment, English fishing industry, English trade and industry, English emergency services, English local government and all the other policy areas that are devolved in his own constituency and for which not a single voter has ever elected him? How could he carry out his pledge to make the English NHS and English education system his top priorities despite not a single English voter having the opportunity to judge what he does to them through the ballot box?

The man is a two-faced, hypocritical bigot. He has no right to govern this country, he has no right to mess with our constitution. The only decent thing that the Goblin King can do – indeed the only thing he should be allowed to do is resign and call a general election with immediate effect.

Tory Shadow Cabinet

David Cameron announced a shadow cabinet reshuffle today, the full details of which are yet to be announced.

What will be interesting is to see if they appoint shadow regional ministers to help along No Mandate Brown’s English balkanisation project after all their bleating about being anti-regionalisation.

You’ll forgive me if I don’t put a huge amount of faith in Call Me Dave to oppose the break-up of my country.

Twat of the Week nominations

I’m a bit late asking for nominations this week but I think it’s all a bit academic really because we all know No Mandate Brown is going to win it but in the interests of democracy …

Buggering up the English NHS … again

The Financial Times reports that No Mandate Brown left a little present for the English before he left the Treasury – a £2bn cut in funding for the English NHS.

It’s not the fact that he has no mandate on health with it being devolved in his own constituency, it’s not that he kept it quiet until after his coronation, it’s the fact that the Barnett Formula is being fudged so that the cut in health funding won’t be passed on to Scotland that makes me so fucking angry.

The Goblin King has defended the Barnett Formula saying that it’s a fair way of distributing funding to the “nations and regions” based on need.

Smoking Ban

The smoking ban starts today in England – the last part of the UK to get a smoking ban.

From today, smoking in enclosed public places, workplaces and even company cars will be illegal and punishable by an illegal on-the-spot fine.

My employer has gone further than necessary and banned smoking anywhere on the premises, including the car park.

The smoking ban coming into effect today is only a partial ban, not the full smoking ban they enjoy everywhere else in the UK thanks to the interference of a Scottish MP who, despite the fact it doesn’t affect his constituents who already have a full smoking ban, decided to introduce an amendment to have the English ban watered down.