Archive for WTF?

Ignorance and Intolerance

Archbishop Cranmer tells us about a muslim Marks & Spencers shop assistant who refused to sell a childrens book of bible stories because it was “unclean”.

There have been quite a few stories of late about muslim shop assistants at supermarkets refusing to sell alcohol and, in some cases, to even stack shelves in the alcohol section on religious grounds despite there being nothing in the Koran telling them not to do so.

What a lot of people don’t realise – and maybe even the muslim who refused to sell the book – is that the Old Testament is one of the holy books of Islam and that Jesus is one of their prophets.  The chances are that the book that the muslim refused to sell was full of stories about one of their prophets and stories from one of their holy books.

Stories like this show these people up as intolerant and ignorant.  They don’t do these things out of religious sensibility, they do it to take the piss, to try and provoke any kind of reaction they can use to try and portray themselves as victims.  There is nothing in the Koran that says story books about other religions are unclean or that muslims must not sell or handle alcohol.

This was a deliberate act of provocation and the employee in question should be sacked for displaying religious intolerance and for gross professional misconduct.  The employee should be charged with religious discrimination – just as a non-muslim would if they’d refused to sell a Koran to a muslim on the same grounds – and ordered to attend religious education classes.

We must not put up with this blatant religious intolerance and discrimination in our own country by adherents of a foreign religion that is incompatible with our own way of life.

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Do you want rice with that?

No Mandate Brown has decided to spend god knows how many millions of pounds of our taxes on a teach-yourself-English website with a call centre full of “master trainers” answering calls via VOIP.

Brilliant.  Except the website is being targetted at China and the call centre will be in India.

A fifth of school children in England fail to achieve a minimum acceptable level of English in their exams but none of the money will find its way to them.  And what was the rationale behind siting the call centre in India?  The Goblin King says that even more of our tax money is going to be spent on improving the standard of English in India so that it’s good enough to teach the Chinese.

Gordo said he wants to make English the “world’s common language of choice”.  Bearing in mind that English is already the world’s common language of choice, it shouldn’t be too difficult to achieve that objective.  Bet you a fiver they still bugger it up.

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MPs may lose voting rights on their own pay rises

Harriet Harman has indicated that this year may be the last that MPs get to decide their own pay rises.

The Senior Salaries Pay Board decided MPs should get a 2.8% pay rise this year whilst the British government is forcing English civil servants (but not in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland where they have their own democratic governments) to accept pay rises under 2%.

No Mandate Brown has urged his fellow MPs to show restraint and only award themselves 1.9% pay rises.

It’s very strange that MPs get to decide their own pay rises but in a way it’s a good idea.  The vote and debate will be a matter of public record so that all can see what their MP thinks they’re worth and make a judgement on whether they agree.  The Liebour propaganda unit will tell us that it’s all about being “more accountable” and “transparent” but is it really?

The job of deciding how much MPs get as a pay rise will probably stay with the Senior Salaries Pay Board but they’ll get “independence” so they can “transparently” make their decision in an “accountable” way working to a “common purpose” of what’s good for “Britain” (sorry, I’ve been reading too much government propaganda today).  If MPs don’t make the decisions any more and the Senior Salaries Pay Board decides to give them inflation-busting pay rises whilst the British government is telling hundreds of thousands of English civil servants they have to accept below-inflation, below-Scottish, below-Welsh, below-Northern Irish pay rises well, there’s not much they can do about that really is there?  This is the price we have to pay for “independence” and “accountability” in the “wider framework” of something or other and similar bullshit phrases that the One Eyed Wonder of Wankistan trots out when he knows he’s being a shit.

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Civil Service Pay Review

The Senior Salaries Review Board has recommended that MPs get a 2.8% pay rise.

They have also recommended that the judiciary get an average of 2.4% staged to make it 1.5%.

No Mandate Brown has been bleating about how pay rises in the public sector in England have to be kept to below 2% because it’s good for the Peoples Republic of New Britain.  But not, it seems, when it comes to MPs pay.

One rule for us and one rule for them.

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Army takes to streets of Naples

No, Italy hasn’t decided to have another war with itself, they’re cleaning up rubbish.

A couple of weeks ago dustmen stopped collecting rubbish because the landfill sites were all full and there was nowhere else to take the rubbish.  There are now 100,000 tonnes of rubbish on the streets causing fires and protests.

The problem is that every time the authorities try to build an incinerator to ease the pressure on landfill sites, the local mob (the Camorra) sabbotage it.  The mobsters use the landfill site to dump illegal waste and toxic materials.  I imagine a few bodies make their way to the dumps as well from time to time.

Luckily, Federal Europe has stepped in to sort the problem out.  They’ve told the Italian government to get it sorted in a week or they’ll fine them.  That’ll help.

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Shut up Camoron

Call Me Dave Camoron has declared the Conswervatives “the party of the NHS” and pledged to fine cash-strapped hospitals for every infection case they have.


The rise in “superbugs” in hospitals is down to a change in the way wards are run and cuts in cleaning and maintenance budgets because of the woeful underfunding of the English NHS.  Cleaning staff half-heartedly push a sweeper around the floor and nursing staff rub some anti-bacterial gel into their hands from time to time but that’s not enough.

Even 20 years ago you wouldn’t have seen stains on walls and ceilings on a ward or peeling paint in corridors.  You wouldn’t have seen dust on radiators and other flat surfaces.  Patients wouldn’t have had the same bedding for more than a day and you certainly wouldn’t have seen stained sheets on a bed.

The problem is down to money.  The NHS is under-funded but it still costs a fortune.  Every penny has to be accounted for and justified and performance targets are set to make sure that the money they get can provide a tangible benefit for the next election campaign.  All this bureaucracy, form filling and creative accounting requires batallions of managers, admin staff, bean counters and PR gurus.  Most of them don’t know the first thing about nursing or surgery and so they have to get the doctors and nurses to do their bean counting and form filling for them.  The introduction of so many new targets and the criticality of appearing to hit them in order to get more funding to cover costs means that managament of hospitals becomes more centralised with dictats being handed down from consultants, managers and directors instead of decisions being made on wards according to the needs of patients and staff.  Budgets are getting tighter, all the bureaucracy is costing more and costs need to be cut.  Nurses are no longer responsible for keeping their wards clean so contractors are brought in.  Money is tight so the cheapest bid wins.  It’s cheap for a reason.  Wards aren’t cleaned properly and the number of patients getting infections in hospitals goes up.  Patients are treated with antibiotics leading to the evolution of drug-resistant “superbugs” which end up killing patients.  Wards are closed, hospitals are sued and the budget gets even tighter.  You can see where this is all going …

The solution is to give the NHS the money it needs to provide a proper service but this doesn’t mean just giving them more money.  Money is wasted on unnecessary bureaucracy and the internal market.  Cutting down on the targets and centralised micro-management of the health service will free up resources to provide proper medical care.  The internal market – where hospitals buy services from other parts of the NHS as if they were seperate companies – should be scrapped.  It is a ridiculous concept that different parts of a public service should treat each other as if they were private companies and even aim to make a profit from each other.  It doesn’t encourage better financial management or better accountability – it just creates more pointless bureaucracy.  The NHS, like the state, needs to be scaled back significantly.  Waste and bureaucracy breeds more waste and bureaucracy.

Anyway, back to Camoron.  Fining hospitals every time they get a case of infection will deprive the NHS of much-needed cash compounding what is already a big problem for our under-funded hospitals.  Camoron really just needs to shut his trap because he clearly hasn’t got the faintest idea what it’s like in the real world.  He had a privileged upbringing, went to the same prep-school as Princes Edward and Andrew, went to Eton and Oxford University and then went into politics.  I very much doubt he’s ever experienced the NHS first-hand and he’s certainly never had a job as a “doer” rather than a “thinker”.  Politicians – particularly those born with silver spoons in their mouths – need to keep their noses out of the NHS and let medical staff get on with their jobs.

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Of course he exists

The Russian government has banned a TV ad that denied the existence of Santa Claus who, in Russia is known as Father Frost.

The Federal anti-Monopoly Service said that the advert broke rules on undermining teachers and parents by saying that Santa doesn’t exist and couldn’t be shown on TV.

Quite bizarre!

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It’s a cracker

The following safety warning was found last night inside a christmas cracker:

Safety Warning

These crackers are for adult use only and not suitable for children under 5 years of age as they may contain a functional sharp point of edge, or small parts, which may constitute a choking hazrd.

Did I mention that the warning was inside the cracker?

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What’s good for the goose …

… is good for the gander.

The British government has capped public sector payrises in England to 2% but the Daily Mail reports that MPs are now asking for a 10% pay increase over the next 3 years.

British MPs are paid £60,675 per year as a basic wage and then claim expenses for anything and everything.  They are allowed up to £22,000 per year to pay the mortgage on a second home and they can claim up to £10,000 per year as a “communication allowance” to pay for leaflets to send to their constituents to ensure they have an unfair advantage over the opposition.  For every year they are in power they get over £1,500 towards their final salary pensions.  Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish MPs are paid the same amount as English MPs even though they are only elected to do a fraction of the work of their English counterparts.

I’m sure we’d all love a 10% pay rise but down here on planet earth it rarely happens.

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Is there another West Midlands euroregion somewhere?

Birmingham Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Birmingham City Council were criticised yesterday for arranging a seminar for local businesses on how to move their business away from the West Midlands.

The President of Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, ironically, has a seat on the board of Advantage West Midlands, the unelected regional development agency whose job it is to attract jobs and investment into the West Midlands.  No wonder they’re on track to miss four out of their six targets from the British government!

The seminar has been arranged by Birmingham Chamber of Commerce and is being supported by Birmingham City Council and will offer advice and assistance on offshoring all or part of their business.

Of course, if the board of Advantage West Midlands was elected rather than appointed from a pool of eurofederalist yes-men, we would be able to boot the President of Birmingham Chamber of Commerce out of office through the ballot box.  But it’s not elected and the electorate is only allowed to pay for Advantage West Midlands, not have a say in how it’s run.

If a local councillor started offering practical assistance to local businesses to move to another town they would most likely find themselves out of a job come the next election but in the unelected regional quangos, incompetence is rewarded.  Take Phil Davies as an example – he used to be the Leader of Telford & Wrekin Council, was sacked by his own party for incompetence and has gone on to secure several high-profile, taxpayer-funded jobs with regional quangos.  The reason?  He’s a member of the Labour Party, he’s a eurofederalist, he supports the balkanisation of England into euroregions and – most importantly – he does as he’s told.

Call me old fashioned, but I think that if you’ve got a job to do then you do it and if you don’t then you should be out of a job – doubly so if your job is in the public sector and funded by the taxpayer.  The President of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, John Crabtree OBE, has failed in his position as a director of Advantage West Midlands by allowing his Chamber to arrange a seminar to encourage local businesses to relocate abroad.  He should be removed from the board immediately and a free and fair election held so that the electorate can decide who is going to have a say in spending Advantage West Midlands’ £300m taxpayer-funded budget.

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Two out of six ain’t bad … it’s terrible!

Advantage West Midlands, the unelected Regional Devleopment Agency, has some targets set by what is now the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform.

The half-year results for April-September 2007 have now been published and on balance it’s looking … well, a bit poor really.

The first target is job creation – how many jobs have AWM created?  Their target is to create a minimum of 13,347 jobs and a maximum of 17,653.  So far they reckon they’ve managed 6,211 which is over 900 short if they continue at the current rate.

That’s 0 out of 1 so far, not a good start.

The second target is assisting people into employment – how many people have AWM helped to get a job?  Their target is to help a minimum of 4,306 people get a job and a maximum of 5,695.  They reckon they’ve helped 3,856 so far this year which is well above the maximum target (is it a good thing to exceed a maximum target?).

That’s 1 out of 2 (assuming it’s ok to exceed a maximum target), getting better.

The third target is business creation – how many businesses have AWM helped to create that have shown growth and are stil in business 12 months on?  Presumably this is last years start-ups because these are half year figures, or perhaps it’s an estimate … who knows?  It’s not really relevant anyway because their minimum target is 1,361, their maximum target is 1,799 and they’ve managed 70 (no, I didn’t miss a zero off the end).

1 out of 3 … not good.

Target number four is business support – how many businesses did AWM help to improve their performance?  They have a minimum target of 10,333 and a maximum target of 13,667.  They have achieved 3,626 so far which leaves them almost 3,100 short of their minimum target at the current rate.

Oh dear, only 1 out of 4 so far.

Their fifth target is split into two – how much public and private infrastructure investment has been used and how much brownfield land has been redeveloped.  They have minimum and maximum targets of £172m & £228m for the former and 129 & 171 hectares for the latter.  They have so far levered £52m of investment which is £68m short of their minimum target if they continue at the current rate and they have redeveloped 3 hectares of brownfield land which is 123 hectares (or over 95%) short of their minimum target if they continue at the current rate.

A rather disappointing 1 out of 5 targets hit.

Target number six is the number of people that AWM helped to develop skills.  They have a minimum target of 18,083 and a maximum of 23,917.  They have managed 9,313 so far which is 543 over their minimum target if they continue at the current rate.

So that’s 2 out of 6 targets they’ve been set by the British government that they’re on target to hit.  At the current rate they will scrape through one minimum target and exceed one maximum target which, as previously mentioned, we can only assume is a good thing.

Remember, this is the Regional Development Agency that has a taxpayer-funded annual budget of £300m but which, it claims, controls over £1bn of public money in the West Midlands.  Also remember that this is the Regional Development Agency that is to take over most of the West Midlands Regional Assembly’s powers, responsibilites and budget by 2010 when it is finally abolished.

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EU admits to being tinpot dictatorship

The Portuguese president has described the EU-Africa summit as “a summit of equals”.

Human Rights Watch has concerns about the following African nations:

That’s a good 90% of African nations on Human Rights Watch’s list.  So what he’s saying is that the EU and a bunch of tinpot dictators and human rights abusers are equals.  Won’t get any arguments from me there.

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Transforming Telford wasting money again

About a year ago, Transforming Telford was officially launched for the first time.  I say first time because they’ve been officially launched at least twice under the name Transforming Telford and once under the name Telford First.

The company, Transforming Telford, is another one of these taxpayer-funded, unelected quangos put in place to ensure that public money can be spent without the usual problems of accountability or transparency and without having to worry about voters.  This one is no exception.

Whilst running as a shadow company it managed to spend £1.3m of taxpayers money.  It has a board of ten – the Chief Executive of Telford & Wrekin Council, the Leader of Telford & Wrekin Council and another eight members from the private sector.  Only the Leader of T&WC can be held to account at the balot box.

Transforming Telford was set up in conjunction with the equally unelected regional development agency, Advantage West Midlands, to bring investment and regeneration to Telford.  It joins a seemingly endless string of regeneration and investment quangos dipping into the same pot of money, wasting increasing amounts of taxpayers money bidding against each other for funding.

Transforming Telford’s first big piece of work has been planning the redevelopment of Telford Town Centre.  As a new town, Telford Town Centre differs from most other towns and cities in that the town centre is entirely artifically constructed and consists of a shopping centre, lesisure and entertainment facilities and that’s it.  No houses, no small shops, no independent retailers – the whole retail area is own by Hark Group and the leisure facilities are owned by Telford & Wrekin Council.

The plans have proven to be unpopular as Transforming Telford sees the town park – a huge park in the centre of the town that was gifted to residents with a covenent securing it for the free us of resident for leisure purposes – as a rather useful plot of building land.  This has met with opposition from residents with a local referendum being held in one neighbouring parish a couple of days ago resulting in overwhelming opposition to any development of the town park.

Residents needn’t have worried though.  The owners of the Telford Shopping Centre, Hark Group, have their own plans for redevelopment of the whole area which they own.  It doesn’t involve building on the town park and the plans and work are to be paid for by Hark Group.  Transforming Telford’s plans involved spending millions of pounds of taxpayers money and taking on million of pounds of loans.

So why did Transforming Telford spend taxpayers money on producing plans for the redevelopment of someone elses land when the owners of that land already had their own plans?  A very good question and one which we hope to have an answer to in the very near future.  A Freedom of Information request has been submitted today to try and find out how much taxpayers money has been wasted and why.  We have been reliably informed that Hark Group attempted to engage Transforming Telford in their redevelopment plans but could get them to co-operate.

The new Conservative administration at Telford & Wrekin is no fan of this quango which was set up by the previous Labour administration headed up by Councillor “Concrete” Keith Austin.  We will be pressing Telford & Wrekin Council to launch a full investigation into what we consider misfeasance by Transforming Telford and to withhold further funding until the investigation has been completed.

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This has got to be a joke, surely?

A review of prisons is to recommend that sentencing is linked to the availability of prison places.

Lord Phillips, the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, has called for more fine and community rehabilitation instead of prison sentences.

Setting aside the fact that simmary justice is illegal and that a massive percentage of court fines either go unpaid or are paid back by token amounts (ie. £1 a week, fiver a month, etc.), the reason why most crimes are committed can be boiled down to two things:

1. The criminal justice system no longer punishes criminals
2. Having a criminal record is socially acceptable

Both of these can be solved very easily by the British government.  Punishing people for committing crimes instead of concentrating on excusing their behaviour and rehabilitating them will discourage budding jailbirds from committing crimes and concentrating on punishment instead of “community rehabilitation” will make criminality less acceptable.  It’s not ok to break the law, it’s not ok to criminal record and it’s not ok to have been in prison – the British government needs to stop telling people that it is.

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Get a Fucking Life

An English teacher sentenced to 15 days in prison in Sudan for allowing her pupils to name a teddy bear “Mohammed” is now facing calls for the death penalty from dress wearing jihadi’s.

Whilst it seems to be perfectly acceptable for the jihadi’s to call their sons Mohammed, a teacher who’s been in the country for a couple of months allowing children to call a teddy bear Mohammed should be punishable by death.

If ever there was justification needed for curtailing the rise of Islam in this country, this has got to be a fine example.

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From the BBC … 

Ministers have come up with a “vibrant” new message to greet tourists arriving at Scotland’s airports.

The new message is … “Welcome to Scotland”.


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Send him home!

A university lecturer who was banned by the Attorney General from taking legal action has found a way round the ban by launching another racial discrimination case in Northern Ireland.

The Hindu “Indian American” was named a vexatious litigant by the Attorney General after starting 40 discrimination cases against various universities and academic bodies in the US and UK. He has made almost £200,000 in compensation claims and cost the taxpayer around £1m.

According to the Daily Mail his modus operandi is to apply for jobs which he may or may not be qualified for and if he failed to get shortlisted then he will launch a racial discrimination case. Sometimes he will apply for a job in both his own name and also with a fake “white” name and if he failed to get shortlisted but his fake name did then he will launch a racial discrimination case.

Unfortunately, the ban doesn’t cover Northern Ireland as it has its own judiciary and so Suresh Deman has launched his latest spurious claim there. He has complained that he can’t get a job because they know about his reputation. When a journalist approached him about the banning order he threatened to sue them.

Deman is an American citizen, has no job, is clearly an undesirable immigrant and quite obviously unemployable. He is abusing the legal system with spurious and unfounded legal action against taxpayer-funded organisations to pay the bills. Why not send him home where they teach this sort of thing in primary school?

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Virgin on ridiculous

The NHS has found something new to spend our money on.  Not something frivilous or wasteful like cancer treatments, but hymen repair jobs for muslim women.

I kid you not.  Muslim women can get a pretend virginity for their husbands free of charge on the NHS.

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) refuses lots of medical treatments because they don’t provide “value for money”.  But fake virginities do.

I am increasingly of the opinion that the only way we’re ever going to reclaim England from the traitors who are running the country into the ground is a revolution.

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