Archive for Terrorism

Criminal Justice System

The English language sometimes makes it hard to convey your actual meaning in writing but, on the other hand, it makes for suitably ambiguous headlines like this one.

Some time ago, the British government tried to change the law so that “terrorist suspects” could be locked up for 3 months without charge.  The attempt failed as even Labour MP’s saw through the thinly-veiled attempt to curtail civil liberties unnecessarily and the shonky way in which justification was invented by instructing police forces to draw up proposals for 90 day detention without charge and then claiming those proposals were requests for its introduction.  Let’s be realistic here – if you’ve got enough evidence to suspect somebody you don’t need three months to find a charge that will stick.

The “independent” reviewer of anti-terrorism legislation, Lord Carlile, recently said that unelected judges should decide how long people can be held without charge instead of elected politicians.  I think this is probably the first time the “you gave the wrong answer before so we won’t ask you again” method of democracy has been used on MP’s.  Lord Carlile has previously proposed bringing in an English version of the US Patriot Act which allows the US government to lock up non-US citizens indefinitely without charge, without trial and without access to legal advice.

This is all illegal under our existing constitution of course.  Habeas Corpus (yes, it’s a law, not a principle) and the Bill of Rights between them guarantee the right to trial by jury and ban summary justice and arbitrary imprisonment.  What other basic rights do we need?  We certainly don’t need a new Bill of Rights which is what No Mandate Brown is planning to introduce.  What we need is for our existing rights under our centuries old constitution to be respected.  Under English law you can’t lock people up indefinitely, the police or local authority “enforcement officers” can’t hand out on-the-spot fines and you can’t be convicted of any crime without standing trial in front of a jury if that is your wish.

The curtailment of our civil liberties and blatant disregard for our constitution and legal system is all in the name of fighting terrorism.  The British government calls it a “war” but it’s not.  You can’t have a war against a word or a crime, a war is between two or more nations.  If this was a war, terrorism suspects would be prisoners of war and would have more rights from the Geneva Convention than they do under anti-terrorism laws.  But what constitutes an offence under the “anti-terrorism” laws that the British government have introduced?

Reading the names of dead soldiers outside the war memorial next to Downing Street is a crime under anti-terrorism laws.  Carrying a blank placard within 1km of Parliament is a crime under anti-terrorism laws.  Wearing a T-Shirt insulting the Prime Minister within 1km of Parliament is a crime under anti-terrorism laws.

Anyone who has seen Taking Liberties or read the book by the same name will remember the man who was put under house arrest for not being a terrorist.  Off the top of my head, the story goes something like this: a muslim went to live in Afghanistan before the invasion because he wanted to experience living in an Islamic country.  When the Americans threatened to invade liberate the country he moved his family to Pakistan.  The Americans subsequently offered a bounty to anyone in Pakistan accusing someone of terrorism.  As an outsider, the man was promptly sold to the Americans by locals.  He was taken to Afghanistan and tortured interrogated for a few months with the full knowledge of British government.  He was then taken to Guantanamo Bay where he was tortured interrogated some more and then sent back to the UK without standing trial where he was placed under house arrest by the Home Secretary for not being a terrorist.

There is another story in the same book about another muslim who stood trial as a terrorist for knowing someone who knew someone who stabbed a police officer during a “terror raid”.  He was acquitted after the CPS’ case fell to pieces when it became clear that he didn’t even know the person who had stabbed the police officer but his freedom was short-live because the Home Secretary put him under house arrest for not being a terrorist.

What is so absurd about “anti-terrorism” legislation is that it isn’t actually needed.  Committing a terrorist act, when you break it down, is one or more existing basic crimes.  Blowing something up is criminal damage, killing somebody is murder and trying to kill somebody is attempted murder.  Planning to commit one of these crimes is conspiracy to commit criminal damage or conspiracy to commit murder and trying to undermine the state is treason.  All these have been crimes for centuries and, until recently, carried serious sentences.

To use a recent example: the two muslims, Singe Maheed and Allaburn Majeep, who drove a jeep into Glasgow Airport were guilty of criminal damage and attempted murder.  The fact that they were a pair of nutjob jihadi’s doesn’t make it anything other than those two basic crimes.

So, getting back to my original comment about the failings of the English language and the ambiguous headline – is it a criminal justice system or is the justice system criminal?  Answers on a postcard …

Durka Durka Tony Bliar Jihad #2

The religion of peace strikes again – two Asian males have driven a burning, petrol filled Jeep Cherokee into Glasgow airport.

Eyewitnesses say that the two Jihadi’s were pouring petrol onto the burning Jeep.

Blackpool Airport has been closed by armed police and Newcastle and Edinburgh Airports are on high alert.

The attempted bombings in London marked No Mandate Brown’s coronation and Traitor Bliar’s appointment as Middle East Peace Envoy.  Today’s attack marks the opening of the Scottish Parliament by the Queen.

Jihadi’s celebrate Bliar’s appointment

Traitor Bliar’s appointment as the joint UK, US, EU and UN Middle East Peace Envoy has been celebrated with an attempted car-bombing of a Central London nightclub.

An ambulance crew attending a fight outside a nightclub spotted the car parked illegally appearing to be full of smoke and called the police.

The explosive device apparently consisted of a gas canister, petrol and a large quantity of nails.

The Police, SOCA and intelligence services appeared to have no prior warning of the bomb.

No Mandate Brown said that we face “a serious and continuous threat” which, in British government-speak, means “we will shortly be announcing new illiberal laws to curtail your rights and freedoms as a knee-jerk reaction to divert attention from our own failings”.

Our country, our honours, our decision

Salman Rushdie has been given a knighthood in the Queens Birthday Honours list.

The author of the Satanic Verses is now Sir Salman Rushdie, not to be confused with Salmon Rosti which would be grated potato and salmon made into a kind of burger shape which would be slightly more palatable to our muslim friends than Rushdie’s knighthood.

The Iranians have had a bit of a whinge – the Iranian Foreign Minister said that “Giving a medal to someone who is among the most detested figures in the Islamic community is… a blatant example of the anti-Islamism of senior British officials” according to the BBC.  It was the Iranians who issued a Fatwah (a religious death warrant) on Rushdie after he wrote the Satanic Verses.

The Pakistani’s are the latest ones to bitch about it.  The High Commissioner in Islamabad was summoned to the Foreign Ministry so they could tell him that they were upset and the North West Frontier Province government said that the knighthood is part of “a campaign waged in Europe and the West to hurt the feelings of Muslims”.  The Pakistani Religious Affairs Minister even went as far as saying that “if someone commits suicide bombing to protect the honour of the Prophet Mohammad, his act is justified”.

At the beginning of the month, when Traitor Bliar was announcing his million pound giveaway for Islamic Studies at UK universities, he said that British politicians must listen harder to the “calm voice of moderation” of the majority of the UK’s muslims.  Try as I might, I can’t find any denunciation from the “calm voice of moderation” of the incitement to commit a suicide bombing or a call for the worlds muslims to turn the other cheek.  I’m sure they must have said something but the Islamophobic zionist press must have covered it up.

This is the problem with Islam.  The religion hasn’t really evolved much from mediævil times and still revolves around strict orthodox adherence to fundamentalist values and “honour”.  Insulting their god is bad enough but insulting his prophet is worse – bad enough to drive someone to blow up a train full of innocent people, both muslims and infidels.  There is no leniency or clemency in Islam – you break the “law” and you pay the consequences, often through mutilation or death.

Now, I don’t want to tar all muslims with one brush because I know quite a few and they’re not all deranged terrorists.  It’s fair to say that most muslims don’t feel the need to purge the earth of infidels, perform genital mutilation on young girls or stone women to death for being raped.  But it happens.  Personally I think it’s wrong but that just the way I was brought up, who’s to say that the values and morals I have are right or better than someone elses?  As long as the practices that I, and most people in this country, believe are barbaric are only performed in countries where it is considered acceptable then leave them to it, they’ll soon run out of sinners.  Or stones.

Which brings me back to this whole Sir Salmon Rosti thing in a rather convoluted way.  The Satanic Verses isn’t offensive to us and muslims are a small, albeit very vocal and pandered-to, minority in England.  Rushdie has written more than one book and his writings are, I gather, fairly well respected in certain circles.  I personally wouldn’t have considered giving Rushdie a knighthood and I’m not happy with the decision to give him one because I don’t think he’s done anything of note for England or English people.  But the committee that decides on these things obviously thought he was worth the honour and the predictable – and frankly, quite tedious – outcry from the Islamic world.

In other words, it is acceptable here for someone who has written a book that offends muslims, to receive a knighthood and as we haven’t asked any muslim countries to confer a similar honour on him then I really don’t see what concern it is of anyone other than our own people and until Islam moves on and finds a way to accept criticism in the same way that every other major religion on the planet has, there will never be an end to religiously-motivated violence.

Right to Liberty to be suspended?

The Home Secretary, John Reid, is considering declaring a state fo emergency after 3 suspected terrorists have disappeared whilst subject to a control order.

Control Orders are like tagging and ASBOs – the subject is told what they can and can’t do and the authorities take action if they breach conditions of the order.  This is fine when it’s a scrote on a tag after being caught smoking canabis or a chav caught nicking a burberry baseball cap from Primark but can suspected terrorists be trusted to stick to the terms of a control order when there is evidence that they have been planning to blow people up in this country?

Reid would have to declare a state of emergency in order to obtain a derogation on article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights which guarantees the right to liberty.  The effect of this won’t just give the power to the Home Secretary to detain terrorist suspencts indefinitely but any citizen of any country who is currently in the UK.  It could be used to detain opposition MPs if the Home Secretary considered the threat to the Liebour regime to be a threat to the stability of the country.  It could be used to detail journalists and bloggers, anyone who criticises the British government.  Declaring a state of emergency allows the introduction of food rationing, travel bans and restriction of telecommunications including the internet.


Mugabe given another 5 years

The tyrant Mugabe has been given a further 5 years as president of Zimbabwe.

Zanu PF, the party that Mugabe heads up, has approved him as their candidate for the upcoming elections.

This doesn’t guarantee that he will win the next election of course, there’s a chance that a majority of Zimbabweans will defy the armed police who hang around outside the polling stations ready to beat anyone who votes for the wrong candidate.

News reports indicate that Mugabe’s only opponent is recovering nicely from his beating at the hands of the Zimbabwean police.

First Guantanamo detainee sentenced

The US has finally sentenced the first detainee held at Guantanamo Bay.

It’s a strange choice of first victim – a white Australian.  Presumably they think it will send a message to Asian muslims that they aren’t treating white muslims differently.

David Hicks, an Australian, has been sentenced to 7 years in prison but will serve only 9 months.

Protester guilty of incitement to murder

Source: BBC News

Breaking news this one, literally just been posted on the BBC News website.

A British muslim who chanted “bomb, bomb, bomb Denmark, bomb, bomb, bomb USA” has been convicted on charges of soliciting murder and uses words likely to stir up racial hatred.

About bloody time – these new illiberal laws supposedly targetting terrorists but, in reality, mainly shits on the majority of law abiding citizens were completely unnecessary because incitement to murder is already a crime.  Not only is it a crime but it is a relevant piece of legislation and one that can be used successfully to convict those who want to cause harm to us or incite others to do so.

Hippies launch animal rights party

A group of hippies, vegans and animal rights terrorists have launched a new political party called “Animals Count”.  The party is a sister organisation to a Dutch political party of the same ilk.

The party is purely for those who believe that animal rights are more important than human rights and, if it hasn’t already been infiltrated by the animal rights facists already, it soon will be.

The party manifesto bangs on about animal rights, a complete ban on hunting, “reforms” to farming methods (state interference in farming has been so successful throught history), banning testing on animals and the establishment of a pet NHS.

Meanwhile, those of us who don’t exist on a diet or organic rice and lentils and therefore still have the strength to use a keyboard might like to visit the Countryside Alliance and Pro-Test who, between them, will tell you all about hunting, farming and animal testing from the perspective of people who actually do it for a living and consequently have more of an idea what they’re talking about than a bunch of dreadlocked hippies.

You might also like to take a look at VARE – Victims of Animal Rights Extremism – or just a simple google search for “animal rights extremists” to find out what the cuddly animal rights terrorists are getting up to.  Things such as exhuming and hiding the body of a guinea pig farm owners mother, sending letter bombs to companies, blowing up the cars of employees of research companies, forcing banks to withdraw banking facilities and investments for research companies and general assault, theft and criminal damage.

I’ll have to stop there – it’s time to order some dead burnt animal from the sandwich shop.

MI5 tracking 1,600 terrorists

MI5 today announced that it is tracking 1,600 muslim terrorists and 30 terrorist cells.

Meanwhile, muslim groups condemn Nick Griffin being cleared of race hate charges for describing Islam as a wicked faith.

Shouldn’t they be condemning the 1,600 muslim terrorists in this country who want to blow us up because we don’t follow their medievil religion?

What’s good for the goose …

Israel is stepping up an offensive into the Gaza Strip which started in retaliation for a cross-border raid by Palestinian militia.

Am I the only one who sees the double-standards in this?  Israel has been conducting one constant cross-border raid into Palestine since it invaded and illegally occupied the country in 1967.

In trying to sum this up in a single word, I’m torn between duplicity and hypocrisy.  What do you think?

Move along, there’s nothing to see here

By way of an update to my previous post, more pointless laws, someone has pointed out that 30% of Islamic suicide bombers are women.  They also note that in an attack on a Shia mosque in Baghad recently in which over 70 people died and 158 were injured, of the 3 bombers, one was a woman and the other two were men disguised as women.

We have nothing to fear from the veil.  Honest.

More pointless laws proposed

Britains most senior muslim police officer (someone actually has a league table?), Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur, has submitted plans to the Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, to make flag burning a crime.

This is to help the police deal with violent protests apparently.  I thought waving burning rags in a crowd of people was something the police could already arrest you over – reckless endangerment or something like that.

Also included in the plan is a proposal to make it illegal to cover your face during a protest so you can’t avoid police scrutiny.  Muslim women will be exempt of course and will be able to wear a veil over their face whilst inciting murder of English people on the streets of London.

Ghaffur got in a spot of bother a couple of months ago when he said that the new anti-terror laws were criminalising muslim communities.  Almost right, it criminalises muslim terrorists.  Unless he’s suggesting that all muslims are terrorists of course.  I don’t think they are but he is a policeman and a muslim so he’d have a better idea than me.

So, not only will I be banned from burning a flag if I choose to do so but if I were to go on a protest march I wouldn’t be allowed to cover my face to remain anonymous but a muslim woman (or disguised male suicide bomber) will be allowed to wear a veil or a burkha because of her (or his) religion.

Ok, I’m starting a new religion.  It’s called Wonkism and Wonkites (followers of Wonkism) worship St George.  It is against my newly-acquired religion to show my face when I’m protesting and my religion requires me to slap anyone who denies me my religious rights in the face with a rotting kipper.  It is also against my religion to pay taxes and use metric measurements.

Let’s pray:

Our patron, who art in England, St George be thy name, thy kingdom come, England will become, devolved as it is in Scotland.
Give us this day a hospital bed, and forgive those who discriminate against us.
Break us not into regions, but deliver us from Labour.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever.

Anyone else want to join? 😉

CRE warning of race violence

Trevor Phillips, the head of the Commission for Racial Equality, has warned that the recent debates over muslims wearing veils, the “positive” discrimination in favour of muslims and the discrimination against christians may end up leading to race riots.

Good.  Let the likes of the Islamic Human Rights Commission and the Muslim Council of Britain justify the actions of violent muslims who are so intolerant that they will not accept any criticism of their religion or way of life and naturally gravitate to violence as a way of expressing their intolerance.

Phillips seems to be suggesting that any debate over muslims and their intention to islamify the country must only be on subjects that don’t offend muslims.  The trouble is, any criticism of Islam is a sin to muslims and it all offends them.  He says “The main beneficiaries from this debate – because it is having a corrosive impact – will be the far-right, the British National Party, and organisations like al-Ghurabaa and al-Muhajiroun.”  You’d think he’d know his left/right wings wouldn’t you?  The BNP are a far-left party – read their manifesto, it wouldn’t be out of place in the USSR or China with its racial purity and common-ownership of state industries.

He also refers to the race riots in France last year which he says was caused by the French government allowing North African communities to grow up seperately from the rest of the country and hence not feeling French and says that he doesn’t want that to happen here.  The man’s an idiot!  It is the likes of the CRE aiding and abetting the British government that has resulted in the muslim community in the UK growing up separate from the rest of society, mixing only with other muslims, refusing to learn English, wearing veils and burkha’s to segregate themselves.

I really can’t be bothered to turn over these muslim stories any more.  Devout muslims can’t live in harmony with non-muslims because their religion tells them that they have to Islamify the world.  No end of soul searching, debating or pussy-footing around the issues will help.  They are committed to Islamifying our country and we don’t want it.  Things will come to a head, the only question is who will win and it won’t be the likes of the BNP, the Muslim Council of Britain or politicians who will decide it – it will be the average man and woman on the street.

State funding for Islamic groups

The British government is offering funding to Islamic groups that can “prove” they are tackling extremism.

Massoud Shadjareh of the Islamic Human Rights Commission says “The deliberate confusion surrounding the word extremism is a ploy by the government to use its financial muscle to socially engineer a new brand of Islam”.

Any complaints if the British government socially engineers a new brand of Islam that doesn’t involve terrorism, honour killings, genital mutilation, stoning women to death, hate preachers or spreading Islam by the sword?

The thought of my taxes being given to an alien religious organisation on some vague promise that they’ll tell wannabe terrorists not to blow people up disgusts me but then so do the pathetic attempts of self-appointed muslim “community leaders” to portray muslims as the eternal victims.

Police will consult Muslims on terrorist raids

The Metropolitan Police will consult a panel of muslims before carrying out any raids on the homes of suspected terrorists.

The force will present their evidence to a panel of muslim “community leaders” who will decide whether the evidence is sufficient to act on.  The panel members will promise not to reveal the evidence they see but they won’t be required to sign the Official Secrets Act.  MI5 and the Home Office are also considering revealing intelligence information to the panel and other police forces in the country are considering whether to take the scheme nationwide.

What the fuck is going on in this country?  Talk about the lunatics running the asylum!  Who is best placed to decide whether there is enough evidence to raid a suspects home – the police or a bunch of self-appointed muslim leaders?

Write to the Chief Constable of your own police force and tell them not to follow the lead of the Met.

Don’t Mention the War

Jenny Tonge, Lib Dum peer, has been criticised again for upsetting the Israeli’s.

Tonge was sacked from the front benches for suggesting that the only difference between a Palestinian suicide bomber and an Israeli bomber pilot is that the Palestinian gives up their life and the Israeli goes to the bar for a beer afterwards.

Clearly suggesting that the Israeli’s are terrorists just like Palestinian militants is not acceptable to the Lib Dums, especially when they have a Liberal Democrats Friends of Israel.  I wonder how long Ms Tonge would last if she tried to set up a Liberal Democrats Friends of Palestine?

She is being denounced as an anti-semite naturally.  Online dictionaries are slow to catch up with this new definition of the word anti-semitism describing it as behaviour discriminating against Jews rather than the more common definition of criticising Israel or anyone Jewish.

Death to the Pope

Yesterday I suggested that the only way the pope can satisfy some of the muslims burning churches and protesting because he offended their religion of peace and tolerance.

Today the Daily Mail reports that Anjem Choudary, a muslim extremist that the British government allows to stay in the UK, has called for the execution of the pope for insulting Islam and issued a warning to anyone else who might consider criticising his religion of peace and tolerance.

Choudary helped organise the protests in London which were choreographed to co-incide with similar protests around the world against the cartoons of mohammed that were published in a Danish newspaper.  The protests were, you may recall, organised several months after the cartoons had been published and were clearly very carefully planned to present a unified image of Islamic rage and a reminder of exactly how easy it is to incite millions of muslims to terrorism and murder.

The police naturally did nothing about Choudary’s incitement to murder, a criminal offence carrying a sentence of life imprisonment because they didn’t have any complaints.  I’ll remember that argument if ever I get caught speeding or jumping a red light – nobody complained so I shouldn’t be prosecuted.

This terrorist turd shouldn’t be allowed his liberty, let alone the right to preach his criminal hatred on the streets in this country.  He should be deported to an Islamic country of his choice where he can sample the delights of a state under Sharia law.  He certainly won’t be taking to the streets criticising the government of any Islamic country because he’s likely to find himself on the receiving end of some very holy justice.

Muslim Tolerance

I try to avoid talking about muslims and Islam too much because a) I’m not interested in religion and b) threads about muslims tend to attract hordes of knuckle-draggers in the comments (the only comment I’ve every had to moderate on my blog was in a thread about muslims).

However, I’ve got to talk about the last few days.  A couple of days ago the pope made a speech and in it he quoted an emperor from about 700 years ago who criticised the teachings of Mohammed when he said that Islam should be spread by the sword.  The quote pointed out that this is not about tolerance and that is correct – spreading a religion by the sword and showing no mercy to the infidels unless they repent and pay a ransom is not tolerant, it is barbaric.

The pope has apologised.  He claims that he didn’t intend it to be offensive.  It’s clearly going to offend muslims because they won’t accept and percieved criticism of their religion and if he really thought that it wouldn’t offend them then he is far too naive to hold the office he does.  However, he has apologised for offending them and they should accept this.

They myth of a tolerant and respectful muslim religion is exposed by the reaction of muslims all round the world to the pope’s gaffe.  When muslims blow up buildings and kill hundreds of people muslim “leaders” around the world explain that it’s all the fault of the west with our society of decedance and capitalism and we have only ourselves to blame.  When a Danish newspaper prints cartoons of Mohammed, muslims around the world take part in violent protests inciting murder and terrorism.  When the pope quotes somebody from hundreds of years ago and offends muslims, they go on the rampage all over the world protesting, burning churches and apparently shooting dead a nun while “British” muslim “leaders” tell us that it’s all our fault and that an apology isn’t enough.

When you offend Islam there is, unfortunately, only one way to satisfy those that bay for your blood and that is to give it to them.  Islam demands death to those who insult this religion of peace and tolerance.

5 years on

Today is the 5 year anniversary of that momentous occassion … when Mrs Sane and I got engaged.  Was I going to let the worlds worst terrorist attack put me off when I’d finally plucked up the courage and carefully laid my plans?  Was I buggery!

Sad to think that apparently no lessons have been learnt because we are more at risk now than we were then.