Archive for England

Cameron for Scotland

David Camoron gave a speech in Edinburgh yesterday in which he extolled the virtues of the union and dashed any hopes that England under the Conswervatives might ever achieve equality.

Camoron is a tit.  A complete and utter fucking idiot.  The Tories will never be elected in Scotland yet at every possible opportunity, Camoron treks up to Scotland to tell them how great the union is and how shit the English are.  Get it through your thick skull Camoron, only England votes Conswervative.

The following statement by Camoron confirms that England will always be bottom of the Tories’ list of priorities:


This is where I stand, here in this great and beautiful capital, an English politician in a Scottish city saying clearly today and for all time that Britain comes first.

Britain comes first.  The shitty, pointless, unwanted union comes before English people being treated as equals with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  It comes before all those people who go blind because so much English money goes into subsidising the celtic fringe that there’s not enough left for the NHS in England to give the same treatment to English people that they’re paying for Scots and Welsh to receive.  It comes before all those people who needlessly die of cancer because there’s not enough money in England to pay for the cancer drugs that English people are paying for Scots to have.

And in every part of these islands I want people to hear me when I say this.

That if it should ever come to a choice between constitutional perfection and the preservation of our nation, I choose our United Kingdom.

Constitutional perfection?  Constitutional frigging perfection?  You mean English people getting treated as equals in the union?  You mean English people getting a devolved government of their own the same as Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have?  Not at the expense of the union though, eh?  And anything that doesn’t keep English people unrepresented, discriminated against and continually out of pocket is a threat to the union isn’t it?

That is because being British is one of the most successful examples of inclusive civic nationalism in the world. We are a shining example of what a multi-ethnic, multi-faith and multi-national society can and should be.

What?  What the fuck?  What is so great about a union in which 85% of the population have no national government whilst the remaining 15% have 3 between them?  What is so great about a union that can only function whilst the nationality of 85% of the population has to be abolished and suppressed for it to survive?  What is so great about a union where 15% of the population are financially insolvent and have to live off hand-outs from the other 85%?  What is so great about a union where 85% of the population are racially discriminated against by the state just to preserve the union?  And what is so great about a union that NOBODY EXCEPT POLITICIANS WANT?

That means saying loudly and proudly: together, we are stronger.
Britain is one of only five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

We have a seat at the top table and are listened to in a way that other countries can only dream of.
So yes, together we are stronger.

And you know that England won’t inherit the seat on the UN Security Council do you Camoron?  No you don’t because nobody knows.  Most people in foreign countries don’t know there’s a difference between England and Britain anyway you muppet.

The City of London overtaking New York as a global powerhouse……Edinburgh’s role as a great financial centre.

Yeah, Edinburgh.  Well know international financial centre.  It’s got the Royal Bank of Scotland and … erm … yeah, Edinburgh.  London is in England Camoron, they subsidise the rest of the UK by an enormous amount.  London would benefit more from the end of the union than any other part of England.

The NHS is the best of British……created by a Welshman and benefiting from the skills of doctors trained in the great medical schools of Scotland.

Yes and if you live in England you will receive inferior medical treatment to the Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish and you will pay for their superior health service.  The NHS practices medical apartheid, it’s hardly something to be proud of of and there are four national health services – one for each nation – not a single British NHS.

Britishness is also about institutions, attachment to our monarchy, admiration for our armed forces, understanding of our history, recognising that our liberty is rooted in the rule of law and respect for parliament.

Our institutions, most of which have been split up into two or more national versions.  Most institutions have seperate Scottish versions.  Is that what Camoron means?  And our history?  Who knows about our history?  Our history is being written out of history books.  Anything between the Battle of Hastings and World War 1 is out of bounds in schools now.  We even have fucking retards like No Mandate Brown claiming Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights as great British achievements.

So, to those in England who are angry about rising council tax, angry about the rising cost of living, and angry when they look across the border and hear about no prescription charges and free social care, I say this.

Don’t blame the Scots.
Don’t blame the Union.

It’s not because of the Union that your aspirations are not being met.
It’s not because Scotland is taking and not giving.
It’s because your Government is failing and not delivering.

It’s the Scottish government that have introduced all these things.  It’s the Scottish-British government that has allowed them to do this by giving them home rule and billions of pounds of English taxes to pay for it all.  We even paid for their bloody parliament building.  It is because of the union that our aspirations are not being met – it is because of the union that the British establishment won’t give us our own parliament so that we can give ourselves what the Scots have got.  We can’t afford to have what the Scots have got at the moment because they get what they want first and we get what’s left.  It’s not our government that’s failing, it’s your government Camoron.  You and your British chums are just as bad – you will not give England parity with the rest of the UK and that is why we are unhappy and that is why the union will be dead within a decade.

So yes we will take part enthusiastically in the Constitutional Commission, and I applaud Annabel Goldie for her courage and determination to do that.

So you’ll take part in the second Scottish Constitutional Convention but not in the first English Constitutional Convention?  Fucking hypocrite.

We have not leapt on the Barnett formula bandwagon.
We have not sought to exploit these matters to foster a sense of English nationalism.

And we never will, because we believe in the Union and we will never do anything to put it at risk.


Consider all our Party’s history, not just the recent past.
It was a Conservative Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury, who set up the Scottish Office.
It was a Conservative Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin, who elevated the Scottish Secretary to full Cabinet rank.

And it was the Conservative Party after the war that stood up for Scotland’s identity, and the life of Scottish businesses, against the attempts at nationalisation and centralisation by Labour.

And they still don’t vote Conservative.  And they never will vote Conservative.  What is this obsession with Scotland?

Stronger together; weaker apart.
Stronger together: let us keep that precious idea forever in our hearts.

Fuck off Camoron, just fuck off.  You are a turncoat, you are a traitor, you are a disaster.  I will never vote for your Conswervative Party and if I ever see your grinning face in my vacinity I will spit in it.  If you love Scotland so much, buy a house up there and move out of London.  We don’t want you and we don’t want your union.

How can any English person support this party?

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Could England’s future be in the hands of Kosovo?

Kosovo has suffered terribly at the hands of the Serbs ever since Yugoslavia broke up.

For a while now, Federal Europe has provided mediators to try and come up with a solution that would allow Kosovo to remain part of Serbia which would be acceptable to both the Serbs who don’t want to lose Kosovo and to the majority Kosovan Albanians who want independence.

They have so far failed to come up with a solution and it’s now almost certain that Kosovo will declare independence very soon but there is opposition amongst some EU member states who are concerned that recognising Kosovan independence would set a precedent and force them to recognise the independence of their own seperatist regions.

Belgium has seperatist movements in Flanders and Wallonia; Denmark has seperatist movements in the Faroes and Greenland; Finland has a seperatist movement in Åaland; France has seperatist movements in Brittany, Corsica and Savoy; Italy has seperatist movements in Sardinia, Sicily and Northern Italy; Romania has a seperatist movement in Transylvania; Spain has seperatist movements in the Basque Country, Catalonia and Navarre; Sweden has a seperatist movement in Lapland; The UK has seperatist movements in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Cornwall.

Belgium has been without a government for months now after the main parties failed (several times) to form a coalition government.  The former Prime Minister has been caretaker-Prime Minister ever since the last election.  There are strong calls for independence for Flanders and to a lesser extent, Wallonia.  The situation in Belgium is similar to in the UK – a constitutional monarchy, no-mandate Prime Minister, an artifical union at the end of its useful life, one nation of the union subsidising the rest and a lack of concern as to whether the union breaks up or not.  What is different, however, is that Belgium is held up by Federal Europe as the perfect multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual union.  It is, in short, what the European Union wants to be when it grows up and that’s why the break-up of Belgium is so important to the majority of Europeans who don’t want to live in a Federal Europe.

The Basque Country is virtually independent now within Spain.  They have so much autonomy that there is virtually nothing that can be devolved from Spain other than foreign relations and defence.  It is only a matter of time before Basque declares unilateral independence from Spain.

Scotland is also on the verge of leaving the UK but it’s proving difficult for the SNP to convince the Scots to cut the apron strings and go it alone.  This is, I think, partly to do with the fact that they want to leave a union that they control and benefit from financially to a European Union in which they will be an irrelevance and will probably end up being a net contributor to.

Kosovo could be the key to independence for many nations in Europe and ultimately the dissolution of the European Union.  The UK, Italy, France and Germany have written to other EU member states asking them support Kosavan independence if they declare it.  Italy, France and Germany don’t have much to worry about from a precedent for recognising independence because they don’t have strong seperatist movements but the British government does.  There are two possible reasons why No Mandate Brown would support setting a precedent for recognising unilateral declarations of independence – either he thinks that he could take power in an independent Scotland or he really is stupid enough to think that the union will last beyond the next 10 years.

No matter what the reasons the powers that be have for supporting independence for Kosovo, it has the potential to give English people what they want – self-government (one way or the other) and the break-up of the Federal Europe.  For these reasons, every Englishman should actively support the Kosovan independence movement.  A vote for Kosovo is a vote for England!

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Now the Police are missing out

English police are on the receiving end of the same racist treatment as English nurses when it comes to pay increases.

Earlier this year, our nurses were told that they would be getting the same percentage pay rise as Scottish nurses but rather than a single pay increase like in Scotland, their pay increase was to be staged meaning they were getting less.  English police officers have now fallen foul of the same discriminatory policy – they are to reveive the same 2.5% pay rise as Scottish officers but it won’t come into effect until January whilst in Scotland the pay rise is immediate, in full and backdated to September when the British government and the Police entered arbitration over the pay deal.

The emergency services are being treated like pawns in this game of robbing from the English to pay for the Scots.  This isn’t a game, peoples’ lives are at risk if nurses and police officers decide that they don’t want to do their job any more because of this racist, discriminatory decision.

Racial discrimination against the English: just another service New Liebour provide.

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It’s the ENGLISH team

Inspired by Alfie, I put pen finger to paper keyboard once again and asked the RFU to stop playing God Save the Queen before England matches.


Our glorious leader has pronounced that deciding which national anthem to play before sporting events is not a matter for the British government and is, instead, the responsibility of the governing body of the sport in question.

Bearing this in mind, can I ask that you please refrain from playing the BRITISH national anthem before ENGLISH rugby matches?

I’m sure that God Save the Queen is very popular amongst the blazer wearing VIP’s in the hospitality lounge but they are only a small group of people.  I think that if you asked the question – perhaps by canvassing the England supporters club – whether fans would rather hear the British national anthem when England play or whether they would rather have an English song such as Jerusalem, they would choose the latter.

Personally, I can’t bring myself to listen to the British national anthem when England is playing and either mute the television or change the channel whilst it is being played.

I’ve written before about the British anthem being played before English games and was given the excuse that Princess Anne is the patron of the RFU.  If you were planning to use that as an excuse again, can you please tell me what Princess Anne thinks about playing an English anthem before an English game?


Stuart Parr

If you’re interested in an anthem for England, take a look at the Anthem for England website.

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Moving Swiftly On

Bloody hell.  When was the last time England didn’t qualify for a European Championship?  Other than when we were banned from European football for having slightly more troublemakers than Vatican United and about 5 million percent less than, for instance, Turkey or Poland.  But that’s another story.

England lost 3-2 to Croatia last night and failed to qualify for Euro 2008.  Croatia and Russia topped England’s group and qualified for next years tournament.  At least we finished above Andorra.

Steve Maclaren was sacked this morning.  Which is nice.  I actually agree with the decision to sack Maclaren – I thought employing him was a bad idea in the first place – but the manager can’t take all the blame.  Putting a 22 year old kid in goal and leaving Beckham on the bench for the first 45 minutes was sucidal.  However, the national squad is supposed to be the cream of English football.  If the tactics the manager has decided on aren’t working, they shouldn’t have to wait until half time or some big girls blouse needs a medic for a broken nail before they change how they play.  Watch Brazil play – if something’s not working they change it.  Yes, we need a decent manager.  But more importantly, we need to shove a rocket up our players’ collective arses and tell them to use their bloody initiative.

It’s been suggested that Alan Shearer is after the job.  Sounds good to me but as long as the next manager isn’t Scottish, Welsh or Irish I don’t care who it is as long as we start winning something.

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Israel – Russia

This is the match that matters.  Israel have to beat Russia to give England a chance of qualifying for next years Euro 2008.  Something you’ll not see very often on this blog – I’m supporting Israel!

Israel has taken an early lead, currently winning 1-0.

Israel won 2-1 which means England are still in with a chance.

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How shameful that a child must beg for medicine

The first ever guest post on Wonko’s World courtesy of my good lady wife.  I’ll let her introduce herself …

My name is Lesley and I’m 32 years old with four children.  I am married to Wonko and am aka “Wonkoswife”.  You may not believe this but I am not really interested in politics and never have been.  I had never voted in my life until this year when I voted for Wonko in the local election.  As you can imagine, conversation dries up quite quickly in our house.  Most of what Wonko says either goes right over my head, or in one ear and straight out of the other.  However, on Tuesday, I decided that I would start to buy a newspaper every day to catch up on what is going on in the world.  I asked Wonkos advice and he said to get the Daily Mail. After only three days I am starting to understand what he has been ranting about for the past couple of years.  He’s asked me to write about one story that really caught my eye and actually upset me a bit.  I guess if you’re reading this, Wonko must have let my post get through his stringent editorial criteria!

The story was entitled “How shameful that a child must beg for medicine”.  A six year old girl called Chantelle Hill has been basically begging for money in her home town by putting up endless posters stating “please help me save my daddy”.  The reason she is doing this – her 45 year old “daddy” is dying of lung cancer.  So far Chantelle has raised more than £4000 to help buy the drug Tarceva, a drug that will help keep her father alive.  Chantelle’s father is too weak to undergo any more chemotherapy and the drug will help improve and prolong his life according to doctors.   However, The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence said the drug ‘was not an effective use of NHS resources’.  It is bad enough to hear that a six year old child is begging for money to keep her dad alive but even worse to hear that in Scotland, the drug is given free along with lots of other things.  The irony is that Chantelle’s dad is a taxpayer and therefore is probably paying for some man in Scotland to receive treatment that he is “unworthy” of receiving.  Who is going to explain to this child when she is older that her dad’s life was not as important to this country’s government as some other little girls dad in Scotland?  How can the government justify playing with peoples lives. What it all adds up to is that the government were willing to let this “daddy” die a painful death BECAUSE HE LIVES IN ENGLAND.  They were willing to let an innocent six year old child lose her father.  When is someone in Government going to raise their voice and stand up for the rights of English people?   When is someone going to make us feel valued and welcome in our own country instead of treating us like lesser human beings?  Who is going to stand in Government and make everyone see that we are damn proud to be English?

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Leave our schools alone Gordo

The One Eyed Wonder of Wankistan has proclaimed that all failing schools in England will get a visit from a specialist management team to help turn them round.  If that doesn’t work then a change of “management” will be instigated and if that doesn’t work then the school will be shut down.

It was pointed out this morning on GMTV or some morning Trash TV programme that roughly 50% of schools are underperforming.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t pointed out that he has no mandate on the English education system.

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Bit more salt in the wound, sir?

The Crossrail project – a huge train network in the south east of England, centred on London – is estimated to cost the taxpayer £16,500,000,000.

The breakdown is as follows:

  • Building Crossrail – £16,000,000,000
  • Buying Scottish votes – £500,000,000

Under the Barnett Formula, Scotland is entitled to £500m purely because £16bn is being spent in England.  It doesn’t matter that the money is being spent on London and Crossrail will benefit nobody outside of the London commuter belt.  It doesn’t even matter that Scotland doesn’t need the money or have anything in particular to spend it on.  They will get half a billion pounds simply because the Scottish Raj won’t risk losing Scottish votes by abolishing the unfair Barnett Formula.

Scotland gets its own budget, a multi-billion pound subsidy from the English taxpayer, its own parliament and its MPs treat England as a personal feifdom.  Then they pull this kind of stunt which really rubs salt in the wound.

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English Grand Committee

The media has been awash with stories of the Conswervatives “new” radical plan to save the union and solve the West Lothian Question.

It’s not a new idea though, they’ve been talking about it for a couple of years at least and even then it’s not an original idea – someone told me that it first reared its ugly head in the 1800’s!

Anyway, this is all by the by – English Votes on English Matters or an English Grand Committee (they’re basically the same thing) will not solve the West Lothian Question, will not save the union and will not make England equal within the union.  What it will do is fail miserably and expose the extent to which party politics has made an utter sham of democracy.

If the Conswervatives introduce a bill for an English Grand Committee and somehow manage to get it through Parliament, Liebour will do everything in their power to make it fail.  That’s assuming they get it through, of course, because Liebour MPs will be whipped until they’re sore to make sure that their Scottish MPs can still vote on English matters because without them they don’t have a working majority in England.

There is a marked difference in the attitudes of MPs from Liebour and the Conswervatives in response to the English Grand Committee idea.  Tories are coming out and saying something has to be done to make the system fairer because it’s not right that MPs elected in Scotland have a say on health and education in England but not in their own constituencies.  Liebour, on the other hand, are rolling out minister and after incompetent, discredited minister to say that the idea is unworkable and will lead to the breakup of the union.  They’re right but what do they propose as an alternative?  They don’t because they don’t have one.  They know that the only way to make governemnt fair in England is to give us our own parliament but that’s bad for the party so they won’t entertain the idea.  In short, the party is more important than the people and that’s the root of all the problems with the sham of a democracy in this country.

There are many problems with the idea of an English Grand Committee is that it doesn’t create a seperate English Executive.  The MPs sitting on the Grand Committee won’t be there as English MPs representing the interests of England, debating English legislation.  They will be there as British MPs representing British interests on British legislation relating to England.  They certainly can’t be relied upon to represent England’s interests, they’re the ones who’ve been letting all this happen in the first place.

This Grand Committee idea also means there’s no pot of money for England.  Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland get a wedge of cash to spend on what they want, spending on England comes from the British budget.  If the money is needed to buy a few votes then tough luck England, there’s no more money for you.

And don’t even get me started on the Speaker of the House deciding whether a bill should be certified as an English bill – the Speaker is a Scottish Liebour stooge whose partiality at times is so breathtaking that it’s a miracle that Conswervative MPs are even allowed to speak in the presence of a Liebour MP, let alone disagree with them.

So what’s the solution?  Nothing short of an English Parliament is going to work but nobody wants to give us one.  I asked a few people today – some interested in politics, some not – what they thought and the same two answers came from everyone:

  • Hold a referendum
  • Revolution

The first one is simple and every day that passes and the Scottish Raj don’t give us a referendum is an insult to every English man, woman and child in England.  The second?  I’m not suggesting that a group of armed revolutionaries should storm parliament and hang every MP that’s supported the apartheid but a short sharp revolution like the one in Ukraine followed by a snap election not long ago would suit me just fine.  We need an English Parliament and whether it’s by referendum or revolution we will have one.

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Free Prescriptions for all …

… Scots.

The Scottish government is abolishing prescription charges in Scotland for all Scots.  At the moment, 96% of all prescriptions are dispensed free of charge.

Abolishing prescription charges north of the border is going to cost the English taxpayer another £70m.

In April this year, the Welsh government abolished all prescription charges in Wales on the same day that prescription charges in England rose to £6.80 per item.  Paid for by the English taxpayer of course.

The Daily Mail is calling this “The Great Divide” and says that it’s the final straw for English taxpayers.  For me, the final straw whizzed by years ago and I’m now in a constant low-level rage aimed at this racist Scottish Raj.

My nan has Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD).  It’s the most common cause of blindness in over-60’s in England but can be cured.  Can she get it treated?  No.  She lives in England and therefore must go blind so that enough money can be stolen from the English NHS to pay for ARMD treatment in Scotland.  She worked and paid taxes all her life, right up until she was in her 50’s when she had to stop because of ill health.  She worked in a munitions factory during the Second World War while my Grandad was on the front line in Korea.  What reward does she get for her contribution to the country?  Second-rate, third-class treatment at the hands of the NHS – she even got a hospital superbug when she had a knee replacement!

My youngest son has Dyspraxia.  He was lucky enough to get it diagnosed at such an early age – 5 years old – because he can get help before he gets too far behind and loses interest at school.  He already complains that it’s hard at school and he has a concentration span you measure in seconds.  A doctor has referred him for speech therapy and occupational therapy.  There is one child occupation therapist for the whole county of Shropshire.  The NHS provides one child occupational therapist for around 444,000 people.  Unsurprising, then, that the waiting list is at least 12 months long.  In Scotland, they’ve been pumping money into occupational speech therapy for children since 2003 to improve the service.

Meanwhile, a new report by the Audit Commission into the English NHS says that one third of NHS Trusts were still in the red.

The American Civil War started on the premise of “No Taxation without Representation”.  The American colonies were taxed by the British government but weren’t allowed to vote.  The American colonies were subsidising Britain and got foreign rule in return.  Sound familiar?  Come the revolution, we’re going to need a big wall.

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Stroke of Luck

Well, I’d like to say that England outplayed France and the victory was well deserved but it was a bit of a fluke to be honest.

France and England both played pretty poorly interspersed with some moments of excellent play.  The highlight of the match – other than beating France and getting to the final of course – was securing the record for the fastest ever try in world cup rugby.

On, now, to the world cup and a chance to pay back the South Africans for their humiliation a few weeks ago.




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Petition: Hold a general election in 2007

A 10 Downing Street petition needs your signature – Hold a general election in 2007.

In order to effectively run the country a prime minister needs the approval that comes with an election. The current prime minister has not been tested by an election. This comprimises his ability to govern effectively as he has no mandate for change. Hold a general election in 2007 to allow England its right to a democratically elected leader.

Go on, sign it, you know you want to!  You might want to add “(English Parliament!)” after your name as well – the media are keeping close tabs on this one and it calls for England to have the right to a democratically elected leader.

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Unofficial CEP wallpapers

I had a spare half an hour to play with Paint Shop Pro today and came up with the unofficial CEP wallpaper below …

  Widescreen (1440 x 900)
  Regular (1280 x 1024)


I also produced quite a few St George’s Crosses with various effects on them if anyone’s interested.  I have them in pspimage format but I can convert them to pretty much any format you could ask for.

Tories pushing EVoEL

cosg-bubbles.pngThe Tories are pushing English Votes on English Legislation (EVoEL), their “answer” to the West Lothian Question.

The West Lothian Question (WQL) was first posed by Tam Dalyell, MP for West Lothian in Scotland during a debate on devolution.  The Question is whether it is right that MP’s elected in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland should have a say in matters that only affect England but not the country they were elected in.

The obvious answer, now that Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own devolved governments, is to give England a devolved government of its own.  However, despite every poll in the last few years showing increasing and consistent support for an English Parliament, none of the main parties will support it.  The Tory proposal of EVoEL is as close as it gets but it’s not good enough.

The Tory proposal is to have MP’s elected in England form a Grand Committee within the British Parliament which will have the final say on matters that only affect England.  There are a number of problems with this proposal:

  • The MP’s, despite being elected in England, will still be British MP’s and they will have been elected to represent Britain, not England.  When debating and voting on matters that only affect England, their first loyalty will be to Britain.  Contrast that with the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where their elected representatives are elected only to represent their own country.  What is good for the rest of Britain is second to what is good for their own country.
  • The Speaker of the House will certify whether something qualifies as an English-only matter.  The current Speaker is Michael Martin, MP for Glasgow North East.  Mr Martin was a member of the Scottish Constitutional Convention and signed the Scottish Claim of Right in which he pledged to put the interests of Scottish people first and foremost.
  • British MP’s not elected in England will still be able to propose and debate matter that only affect England.  The smoking ban – which only affected England – was watered down from a full ban to a partial ban by an MP elected in Scotland even though it only applied to England.  EVoEL wouldn’t stop this happening – an English Parliament would.
  • EVoEL would kick in when the Speaker decides that a bill only affects England.  Anything that costs money in England affects the amount of money available to be given to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in the form of the block grant (actually a subsidy because only England pays more tax than it spends).  Therefore, only a handful of bills every year would truly qualify for exclusion under EVoEL.  It took a matter of days for a Scottish MP to spot this loophole that would allow him to declare an interest in almost every bill that doesn’t directly affect his constituents.
  • Recent polls have shown almost 70% of people want an English Parliament.  EVoEL isn’t an English Parliament.
  • The British Treasury will control the purse strings.  MP’s from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will still have a say on hom much money England gets and how it is spent.  The current Chancellor of the Exchequer is Alistair Darling, MP for Edinburgh South West in Scotland.

There are more problems with EVoEL – not least the fact that British MP’s don’t want it and won’t make any effort to make it work – but these are the main ones.  There is one major plus for EVoEL though and that is the fact that once they’ve admitted that there is a major constitutional and democratic problem that needs a solution and they’re forced to admit that EVoEL doesn’t work (and it won’t, you can be sure of that) they will have no choice but to give us a Parliament.

England 36-20 Tonga

England showed some real talent at times during tonight’s match against Tonga – it was a pleasure to watch.

Tonga scored first from a penalty, England equalised and then Tonga scored a try.  It was looking a bit dodgy at first but England settled in and played some quality rugby.

That said, Tonga were very dangerous at times and deserved every one of the 20 points they scored.

Decisions, Decisions

Bit of a dilema – England are playing Israel in the football and the USA in the rugby.

Both matches should be a walkover, the rugby especially so, but which will be the best game?

Our teams both need to be careful when attacking though.  A shove in the penalty area could very well see the Israeli’s sending in a couple of attack helicopters and a dodgy tackle on one of the yanks might end up with an invasion.

Of course, even if we lose the rugby there is always consolation in the fact that France lost to Argentina yesterday.  Quite comprehensively in fact which makes you wonder whether they are still favourites to win the world cup this time.

I also started this thread (you have to be registered) yesterday on the RFU website about the lack of an English national anthem and the Scots and Welsh having two national anthems played for them – their own and God Save the Queen.


Problem solved – ITV4 is showing the rugby straight after the football.

Brown appoints Regional Ministers

No Mandate Brown, the unelected pretender to the office of First Minister of England, has dealt what may prove to be England’s fatal blow.

The Goblin King has appointed a Minister for each of the made-up regions of England.  Before his coronation as unelected Prime Minister the MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath made noises about resurrecting regional government in England even though it has been thoroughly rejected by voters and declared dead by Traitor Bliar.

How dare Gordon Brown, who fought for the establish of a national parliament for his own country, presume to undermine the very existence of England.

I’ve written a more in-depth piece on this on the West Midlands NO! blog.

“English” Booze Culture

The British government wants to tackle the “English drinking culture” which makes binge drinking, drunkenness and anti-social behaviour acceptable.

Vernon Coaker, a pretend minister at the Home Office, wants to change the perception that it’s “acceptable to drink to get drunk” and the campaign will not only target young binge drinkers out for a night on the tiles but older people drinking at home.

Caroline Flint, another pretend minister at the Department for Health, said middle-age, middle-class drinkers will mainly be targetted.  Presumably her BA (Hons) in American literature and American history qualifies her in some way to pontificate on the subject of drinking and the whole alcohol industry.

Vernon Croaker said “It’s almost regarded as acceptable to drink to get drunk and we want to change that attitude.”  You’re wrong though Vernon – it is acceptable to drink to get drunk.  It’s this little thing called free will – just a silly tradition really – where people are free to do what the fuck they want as long as they’re not breaking the law without having an over-bearing, interfering nanny state dictating what they are and are not allowed to find acceptable.

Alcohol abuse kills one Scot every six hours yet it is the “English drinking culture” that needs to be changed and English lives that need further intereference from the state. If people want to drink too much – in public or in the privacy of their own home – then that is of no concern to the state. Get on with running the country and get your noses out of our private business.

British government says we can’t have equality

The treacherous British government has responded to a petition with over 1,700 signatures demanding an English Parliament.

The petition said:

The 1998 Scotland Act has left England uniquely without its own Parliament or Assembly. Simple fairness requires that an English Parliament now be created.

The response is below.  To see my comments, hover over the speech bubbles The comment would be here.

Devolution has been designed to meet the varying demands of the people of the UK The English are demanding devolution. The great virtue of the British Constitution is that it has for centuries, been able to accommodate difference and anomaly in order to meet the specific aspirations of the British people The English have aspirations of self governance, just like the rest of the UK.

English constituency MPs currently total over 80% of Members in Parliament and they represent over 80% of the population of the UK But they're British MPs and they are concerned with the whole of the UK, not just England. An English Parliament would turn the UK into a federal nation Good!. History shows that where one country in a federation contains more than 30% of the economic wealth or population, the federation is unsustainable An example would be ... ?. England’s dominance within the UK would make a federal UK unsustainable Wrong - an English Parliament would be concerned only with devolved English matters. There would be continued tension between the policies of the English Parliament and Government, and those of the federal Parliament and Government, with the English institutions determining most of the economic and social policies, including public expenditure, but the federal institutions responsible for defence, taxation and macro-economic policy This is what happens in Scotland and Wales now.

The highest priority was given to the creation of a parliament in Scotland, and a national assembly in Wales, since the demand for decentralisation in these countries was long-standing What, so we can't have it until we`ve waited for decades just because Scotland and Wales had to?. Indeed, proposals to create similar institutions were enacted in the late 1970’s but failed to secure the necessary majorities in referendums Ok, so give us a referendum and see what happens. The existing devolution settlement introduced in 1997/98 was designed to meet varying needs, and enabled better local decision making, in response to local issues But not for England ... which is the point being made you cretin!.